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| Dois mil e onze | |
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Autor | Teade |
Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Dois mil e onze 14/1/2011, 20:12 | |
| Number: 1 Pealkiri: Mees, kes teadis ussisõnu Autor: Andrus Kivirähk Lehekülgede arv: 381 Lõpetatud: 16.01.2011 Sisu: Ussisõnade oskamine ei tähenda teoses ainult metsarahva looduse mõistmist, vaid ka võimu ja valitsemist selle asukate üle. Need tarkused võtab Leemet lapsepõlves üle oma onu Vootelelt. Kogu Leemeti elu käib aga heitlus maailma mõistliku tajumise üle – ühel pool end poolearuliseks loitsinud hiiekummardajad, teisel pool silmakirjalikud kristluse kummardajad, kes on ka ise kõik endised metsaasukad, koos raudmeeste ja munkadega. Väheseid huvitab, mis ümbruses tegelikult toimub. Tasapisi metsaasundus siiski hääbub ning selle tarkust, juuri ja Põhja Konna jääb hoidma ainult Leemet – viimane mees, kes teadis ussisõnu. Arvamus: Nagu... wow. Ma mõtlesin, et see on komöödia. Kohati oligi, ent kõvasti rohkem oli seal masendust. Minu meelest. Aga kindlasti raamat, mida igaüks peaks lugema. See võiks olla kohustuslik kirjandus koolis. Hinnang: 10/10
Note: Audiobook
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 3/2/2011, 19:15 | |
| Number: 2 Pealkiri: Meister ja Margarita Autor: Mihhail Bulgakov Lehekülgede arv: 487 | 381 + 487 = 868 Lõpetatud: 2.02.2011 Sisu: Kordustrükk Mihhail Bulgakovi filosoofilisest, poeetilisest, satiirilisest ja kaunist raamatust, mis kuulub kindlasti 20. sajandi suurteoste hulka. Kirjanik alustas romaani kallal tööd 1928. aastal, püüdes ühendada satiirilise groteski ja fatasmagooria käsitlusega Jumalast ja Saatanast. Algselt polnud romaanis ei Meistrit ega Margaritat, kuid jätkates 1931. aastal vahepeal katkenud tööd, lisandus sinna autobiograafiline Poeet, hiljem meister. Praegu tähistab "Meister ja Margarita" vene kultuuriteadvuses pea sedasama, mis "Tristan ja Isolde" või "Romeo ja Julia". Lugejateni jõudis see esmakordselt 1967. aastal, 27 aastat pärast kirjaniku surma. Arvamus: Vanema aja fantaasiakirjandus, mu meelest. Keerukalt kirjutatud, kuid läks seal sajanda lehe juures nii põnevaks. Lõpuni ei saanud siiski millestki aru, kuid põnev oli. Peaks teine kord veel läbi lugema, kuid piirdun filmi vaatamisega. Igatahes väga põnev. Hinnang: 9/10
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 19/5/2011, 14:59 | |
| Number: 8 Pealkiri: Eesti looduskaitse Autor: Arne Ader, Urmas Tartes Lehekülgede arv: 50 | 2838 + 50 = 2888 Lõpetatud: 19.05.2011 Sisu: Lühiülevaade Eesti looduskaitsest, ohustatud liikidest, looduskaitsealadest ja muust säärasest. Arvamus: Ülevaatlik, hea eksamikordamiseks. Hinnang: 10/10
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 23/5/2011, 20:25 | |
| Number: 9 Pealkiri: Õiglase kaubanduse saadiku käsiraamat Autor: ? Lehekülgede arv: 49 | 2888 + 49 = 2937 Lõpetatud: 23.05.2011 Sisu: Ülevaade õiglase kaubanduse ajaloost, eesmärkidest, põhimõtetest jne. Kuidas klientidega suhelda, mida rõhutada. Arvamus: Kiire kerge lugemine üldiste teadmiste omandamiseks. Hinnang: 10/10
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 16/9/2011, 01:38 | |
| Number: 10 Pealkiri: The Colour of Magic Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 283 | 2937 + 283 = 3220 Sisu: Twoflower was a tourist, the first ever seen on the Discworld. Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant idiot.
Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different. It plays by different rules. Certainly, it refuses to succumb to the quaint notion that universes are ruled by pure logic and the harmony of numbers. But, just because the Disc is different doesn't mean that some things don't stay the same. Its very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the arrival of the first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land. But if the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death is a spectacularly inept wizard, a little logic might turn out to be a very good idea... Arvamus: Whatever you do, do not say the word? - What word? - The number between seven and nine. -- Hmm, I wonder why he can't say eight? Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 11 Pealkiri: The Light Fantastic Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 288 | 2937 + 288 = 3508 Sisu: As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the Discworld has only one possible saviour. Unfortunately, this happens to be the singularly inept and cowardly wizard called Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world… Arvamus: Gotta love Pratchett! Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 12 Pealkiri: Equal Rites Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 288 | 3508 + 288 = 3796 Sisu: The last thing the wizard Drum Billet did, before Death laid a bony hand on his shoulder, was to pass on his staff of power to the eighth son of an eighth son. Unfortunately for his colleagues in the chauvinistic (not to say misogynistic) world of magic, he failed to check on the new-born baby’s sex… Arvamus: Gotta love Pratchett! Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 13 Pealkiri: Mort Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 320 | 3796 + 320 = 4116 Sisu: Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job.
After being assured that being dead was not compulsory, Mort accepted. However, he soon found that romantic longings did not mix easily with the responsibilities of being Death’s apprentice… Arvamus: See oli päris haige osa xD Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 14 Pealkiri: Sourcery Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 272 | 4116 + 272 = 4388 Sisu: There was an eighth son of an eighth son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it should have ended. However (for reasons we’d better not go into), he had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son… a wizard squared…a source of magic…a Sourcerer. Arvamus: Did Rincewind survive? Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 15 Pealkiri: Wyrd Sisters Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 336 | 4388 + 336 = 4724 Sisu: Witches are not by nature gregarious, and they certainly don’t have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn’t have. But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more difficult than certain playwrights would have you believe… Arvamus: Gotta love Pratchett! Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
Number: 16 Pealkiri: Pyramids Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 384 | 4724 + 384 = 5108 Sisu: Being trained by the Assassin’s Guild in Ankh-Morpork did not fit Teppic for the task assigned to him by fate. He inherited the throne of the desert kingdom of Djelibeybi rather earlier than he expected (his father wasn’t too happy about it either), but that was only the beginning of his problems… Arvamus: My very fav so far, really fantastic! Hinnang: 10/10
Note: audiobook
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 17/9/2011, 01:16 | |
| Number: 17 Pealkiri: Empire of Night Autor: Justin Somper Lehekülgede arv: 400 | 5108 + 400 = 5508 Sisu: Sidorio, fuelled by grief and revenge, is intent on becoming King of the Vampirates and building a new empire to bring terror to the oceans. He faces growing opposition from both the Pirate Federation, including Vampirate Assassin Cheng Li, and the Nocturnals - the more benign vampirate realm - led by Mosh Zu and Lorcan Furey. Both the pirates and the Nocturnals are forced to raise their game in response to the new and urgent threat from Sidorio and the renegade Vampirates. Twins Grace and Connor Tempest, still ricocheting from the recent discovery of their true parenthood and its explosive implications, are thrust deep into the heart of the conflict. Old foes and allies are thrown together in unexpected ways and, as the stakes rise higher than ever before, Grace and Connor find their alliances shifting in ways no-one could ever have possibly foreseen... Arvamus: OMG, KUI HEA! Took me by surprise, tõesti oli raske käest ära panna. Lõpp polnud küll nii dramaatiline, kui autori sõnust järeldada võinuks, aga see-eest osa lõpust etteaimatav Igatahes lähen poodi või tellin netist järgmise osa. Hinnang: 10/10
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 30/10/2011, 00:36 | |
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| | | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 17/11/2011, 02:28 | |
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 19/11/2011, 01:10 | |
| Number: 28 Pealkiri: Men at Arms Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 384 | 8572 + 384 = 8956 Sisu: Corporal Carrot, a young dwarf, is newly in charge of the recruits guarding Ankh-Morpork. Edward, the 37th Lord d'Eath, has just discovered that Ankh-Morpork, kingless for generations, has a sovereign ruler, who must be convinced that he is, in fact, the King. The fate of Ankh-Morpork rides on a young man's courage, an ancient sword's magic and a three-legged poodle's bladder. Arvamus: Väga mõnus kuulamine :) Palju huumorit ja lihtne jälgida Hinnang: 10/10
note: audiobook
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 19/11/2011, 02:26 | |
| Number: 29 Pealkiri: Coraline Autor: Neil Gaiman Lehekülgede arv: 192 | 8956 + 192 = 9148 Sisu: Shortly after moving into an old house with strange tenants above and below, Coraline discovers a big, carved, brown wooden door at the far corner of the drawing room. And it is locked. Curiosity runs riot in Coraline's mind and she unlocks the door to see what lies behind it. Disappointingly, it opens onto a brick wall. Days later, after exploring the rest of the house and garden, Coraline returns to the same mysterious door and opens it again. This time, however, there is a dark hallway in front of her. Stepping inside, the place beyond has an eerie familiarity about it. The carpet and wallpaper are the same as in her flat. The picture hanging on the wall is the same. Almost. Strangest of all, her mum and dad are there too. Only they have buttons for eyes and seem more possessive than normal. It's a twisted version of her world that is familiar, and yet sinister. And matters get even more surreal for Coraline when her "other" parents seem reluctant to let her leave. Arvamus: Klassika :) Mõtlesin midagi tuttavat vahelduseks kuulata :) Hinnang: 10/10
note: audiobook
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
| Pealkiri: Re: Dois mil e onze 22/11/2011, 23:57 | |
| Number: 30 Pealkiri: Soul Music Autor: Terry Pratchett Lehekülgede arv: 384 | 9148 + 384 = 9532 Sisu: Death's granddaughter picks up the scythe when the Grim Reaper takes a vacation. Trolls, dwarves, magicians and rock music?music played with rocks?figure in this amusing but overlong romp, which begins with the formation of a band by aspiring musician Imp y Celen (aka Buddy). Arriving in the city of Ankh-Morpork, Buddy finds a magical guitar which enables the group?a rock-playing troll, an ax-wielding dwarf and an Orangutan pianist?to drive crowds wild. But the instrument causes conflict between the motley crew and Susan, Death's granddaughter, who is just adjusting to her new post. Many of the ensuing comic situations involve Death trying to get drunk, though Pratchett's liberal application of jokes scores as many misses as hits. Extraneous plot information slows the pace as the narrative rattles to a colossal, albeit uninspired, conclusion. Arvamus: No Pratchetti huumor on ikka üle prahi. Music with rocks in it. Hinnang: 10/10
note: audiobook
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| | | Maiu Laaneoja Tilu-lilu-ilu kõlarid
Postituste arv : 6120 Age : 31 Asukoht : Aberdeen
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