MEIE JUTUD Järjejuttudele pühendatud foorum |
| 2013 | |
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Autor | Teade |
nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 12:48 | |
| 76.
Nimi: Hüljatud II Autor: Victor Hugo Kuupäev; 6.08.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 606 Katkendid:Andke ühele olendile kõik, mis on tarbetu, ja võtke temalt kõik vajalik - ja te saategi tänavapoisi. "Kuule, isake, miks sa lasksid oma naisel haiguse kätte surra ega kutsunud arsti?" "Mida veel, härra! Meie, vaesed inimesed, peame surema omal jõul." Kui ollakse eluõhtul, tähendab surm lahkumist; kui elu on alles ees, tähendab lahkumine surma. Arvamus: Endiselt meeldib! Tegelasi on päris palju, aga keegi ei ole nagu üleliigne selles loos. Kõik, keda tutvustatakse, saavad mängida oma rolli. Ja juba torman viimase raamatu juurde... Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 12:51 | |
| 77.
Nimi: Hüljatud III Autor: Victor Hugo Lehekülgede arv: 300 Kuupäev: 06.08.2013 Katkendid:Samal silmapilgul, kui Gavroche vabastas padrunitest posti juures lamavat seersanti, tabas surnukeha kuul. "Pagan võtaks," turtsus Gavroche. "Hakkavad juba mu laipu tapma." Armastajad kohtusid nüüd iga päev. Cosette tuli Faucheleventi saatel. "Kes seda enne on näinud," torises vanapreili Gillenormand, "et kihlatu ise tuleb majja, et endaga kurameerida lasta." "Surra - see pole midagi; hirmus on mitte elada." (Jean Valjean) Arvamus: Ja ongi läbi. Veider tühi tunne on. See oli võimas. Kuidagi ajatu ja tõetruu ja... oeh. Ja Hugo kirjeldused! 20 lehekülge Pariisi reoveetorudest. No hello. (Jumala põnev oli. ) Meistriteos! Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 12:57 | |
| 78.
Nimi: Never Let Me Go Autor: Kazuo Ishiguro Kuupäev: 07.08.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 470 Sisu: From the acclaimed author of The Remains of the Day and When We Were Orphans, a moving new novel that subtly reimagines our world and time in a haunting story of friendship and love. As a child, Kathy – now thirty-one years old – lived at Hailsham, a private school in the scenic English countryside where the children were sheltered from the outside world, brought up to believe that they were special and that their well-being was crucial not only for themselves but for the society they would eventually enter. Kathy had long ago put this idyllic past behind her, but when two of her Hailsham friends come back into her life, she stops resisting the pull of memory. And so, as her friendship with Ruth is rekindled, and as the feelings that long ago fueled her adolescent crush on Tommy begin to deepen into love, Kathy recalls their years at Hailsham. She describes happy scenes of boys and girls growing up together, unperturbed – even comforted – by their isolation. But she describes other scenes as well: of discord and misunderstanding that hint at a dark secret behind Hailsham’s nurturing facade. With the dawning clarity of hindsight, the three friends are compelled to face the truth about their childhood–and about their lives now. A tale of deceptive simplicity, Never Let Me Go slowly reveals an extraordinary emotional depth and resonance – and takes its place among Kazuo Ishiguro’s finest work. Katkend:“I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it's just too much. The current's too strong. They've got to let go, drift apart. That's how it is with us. It's a shame, Kath, because we've loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can't stay together forever.” Arvamus: Kahtlemata väga mõjus ja võimas mõte, kuigi kõik oli kuidagi väga antiklimaatiline. Alles lõpus hakkas asi emotsionaalsemaks ja põnevamaks kiskuma. Üldiselt süüdistan oma raamatu võrdlemisi suurt fonti - tegi loo kuidagi vähem tõsiseltvõetavaks. (A) Paneb hämmastama, et nad oma saatust muuta ei üritanud. Midagi ette võtta. Nad alguses isegi ei teadnud täpselt, mis juhtub, ajupesu ei tundunud ka palju olevat, ja nad ikkagi ei mässanud. Isegi mitte siis, kui nad ise ja teised tunnistasid, et nad on ka inimesed, et neil on hing. Prsh. Hinne: 2/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:08 | |
| 79.
Nimi: Alias Grace Autor: Margaret Atwood Kuupäev: 08.08.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 545 Sisu: In Alias Grace, bestselling author Margaret Atwood has written her most captivating, disturbing, and ultimately satisfying work since The Handmaid's Tale. She takes us back in time and into the life of one of the most enigmatic and notorious women of the nineteenth century. Grace Marks has been convicted for her involvement in the vicious murders of her employer, Thomas Kinnear, and Nancy Montgomery, his housekeeper and mistress. Some believe Grace is innocent; others think her evil or insane. Now serving a life sentence, Grace claims to have no memory of the murders. Dr. Simon Jordan, an up-and-coming expert in the burgeoning field of mental illness, is engaged by a group of reformers and spiritualists who seek a pardon for Grace. He listens to her story while bringing her closer and closer to the day she cannot remember. What will he find in attempting to unlock her memories? Is Grace a female fiend? A bloodthirsty femme fatale? Or is she the victim of circumstances? Katkendid:O you have murdered good Thomas Kinnear, And Nancy Montgomery, Grace Marks she stood up in the dock, And she denied it all. I did not see her strangled, I did not hear him fall. This must stop, he tells himself. This can't go on. But nothing has been going on, and therefore nothing van stop. If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged. Arvamus: Vot see oli üks tõsiselt hea raamat väga mitmel tasemel. See oli paeluv lugu huvitava ülesehitusega. Mitmekülgne: lugu oli jutustadud luulega, kirjadega, väljavõtetega toimikutest, Simoni vaatevinklist (kolas isik) ja Grace'i vaatevinklist (mille puhul me ei tea kunagi, kas ta lihtsalt mõtleb või räägib, kuna puuduvad jutumärgid). Meeldis tempo. Saime kõigest teada oma õigel ajal. Peale selle on lugejal vabadus otsustada, kas Grace oli süüdi või mitte, oli ta lõpus rase või suremas. Üks on aga kindel - hull ta oli. Muidugi ei või enam keegi kindlalt teada, mis juhtus. Veel vähem on võimalik teada, mis Grace'i peas toimus. Igal juhul on muidugi tegu hea taustauuringuga raamatuga. Aga see eelnev jälle tähendab, et isegi autor ei pruugi teada oma versioonis (tõlgenduses) väljendunud puhast tõde: jutustaja ei olnud reliable. Mis minu arust, omakorda, lisab sellele raamatule veel ühe dimensiooni. Ainus asi, mis mulle ei meeldinud, või ainsad kaks asja, olid see "seestamise" episood (nagu autor oleks pimesi kobanud midagigi, millega Grace'i "süütust" tõestada - seda ma aga Atwoodi kaliibris kirjanikust ei taha uskuda ja Grace'i "õnnelik" lõpp kõikidest võimalustest just Jamiega. -.- SUUREPÄRANE! Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:14 | |
| 80.
Nimi: Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus Autor: Indrek Hargla Kuupäev: 10.08.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 311 Sisu: Tallinn anno Domini 1409. Toompeal on saladuslikult tapetud kõrge Gotlandi ordurüütel ning mõrtsukas näib olevat põgenenud all-linna. Ordu nõuab, et linn tapja välja annaks, ning ühes rae kohtufoogtiga hakkab Toompea mõrtsuka jälgi ajama apteeker Melchior. See ei jää ainsaks mõrvaks, mis sel kevadel linlasi vapustab, ning Melchior seisab silmitsi peaaegu lahendamatute mõistatustega... ja edasi mööda kuritegude jälgi liikudes jõuab ta Tallinna muistse ajaloo süngete saladusteni. Esimese Eesti gooti kriminaalromaani sündmustik on ajendatud vanadest Läänemere legendidest ja Tallinna keskajast. Selle põneva loo tegelaste seas on ordumehed, dominiiklased, raehärrad, linnadaamid, mustpead, kullassepad ja rändmuusikud ning kõigele lisaks ka linn ise. Katkendid:"Aga Melchior, kui sa juhtumisi veel kuulnud ei ole..." "Küllap ma olen, sest minu naisuke jõudis hommikul juba turul käia," ütles Melchior. "Sellisel juhul tead sina juba minust rohkem," arvas Dorn. "Kas mitte ei peaks Sagittarius sind hoiatama, et sellistest asjadest tuleb eemale hoida?" küsis Keterlyn ja silidas õrnalt apteekri pead. "Mina võin ju eemale hoida, aga surm ei hoia end Tallinna linnast eemale. Ja kui siin on mõrtsukas valla, siis on linn haige ja vajab rohtu." Arvamus: Nonii. Mul ka siis Hargla loetud. Mõrvamüsteeriumi ja selle kohta jättis mind üpriski külmaks. Nii et seetõttu ei saa just väga kiira (sest mind kui krimiromaanidest mittehuvitunud inimest on lõpmatult paelunud Larsson ja Christie ja Doyle). Tegelased hakkasid mind huvitama, though, et mis neist saab. Nii et arvatavasti loen järgmiseid raamatuid ikka, lihtsalt pigem eluolu pärast. Mõnus muidugi, et Eestil om selline autor on.:) Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:18 | |
| 81.
Nimi: Mees, kes teadis ussisõnu Autor: Andrus Kivirähk Kuupäev: 15.08.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 384 Sisu: Ussisõnade oskamine ei tähenda teoses ainult metsarahva looduse mõistmist, vaid ka võimu ja valitsemist selle asukate üle. Need tarkused võtab Leemet lapsepõlves üle oma onu Vootelelt. Kogu Leemeti elu käib aga heitlus maailma mõistliku tajumise üle – ühel pool end poolearuliseks loitsinud hiiekummardajad, teisel pool silmakirjalikud kristluse kummardajad, kes on ka ise kõik endised metsaasukad, koos raudmeeste ja munkadega. Väheseid huvitab, mis ümbruses tegelikult toimub. Tasapisi metsaasundus siiski hääbub ning selle tarkust, juuri ja Põhja Konna jääb hoidma ainult Leemet – viimane mees, kes teadis ussisõnu. Katkend:Vanaisa jõllitas mind. "Tema kah surnud..." kordas ta. "Jah, te pole siin vahepeal aega raisanud. Sel ajal kui mina saarel sitsisin, jõudsite terve oma elu ära elada." Arvamus: Mul on selle raamatuga seoses väga vastakad tunded. Ühelt poolt on see puhas geniaalsus - kõik twistid ja storylineid. Ja tegu on hea sisuga raamatuga iga poole pealt. Aga suur osa ajast tundsin end selle keelekasutuse pärast solvatuna. Kuigi eks ma teadsin, millesse end segan, kui Käviräha ette võtan. Hinne: 4/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:22 | |
| 82.
Nimi: Omens Autor: Kelley Armstrong Kuupäev: 7.09.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 496 Sisu: Twenty-four-year-old Olivia Taylor Jones has the perfect life. The only daughter of a wealthy, prominent Chicago family, she has an Ivy League education, pursues volunteerism and philanthropy, and is engaged to a handsome young tech firm CEO with political ambitions. But Olivia’s world is shattered when she learns that she’s adopted. Her real parents? Todd and Pamela Larsen, notorious serial killers serving a life sentence. When the news brings a maelstrom of unwanted publicity to her adopted family and fiancé, Olivia decides to find out the truth about the Larsens. Olivia ends up in the small town of Cainsville, Illinois, an old and cloistered community that takes a particular interest in both Olivia and her efforts to uncover her birth parents’ past. Aided by her mother’s former lawyer, Gabriel Walsh, Olivia focuses on the Larsens’ last crime, the one her birth mother swears will prove their innocence. But as she and Gabriel start investigating the case, Olivia finds herself drawing on abilities that have remained hidden since her childhood, gifts that make her both a valuable addition to Cainsville and deeply vulnerable to unknown enemies. Because there are darker secrets behind her new home, and powers lurking in the shadows that have their own plans for her. Katkendid:“You have a cat.” “Not by choice.” I shut down my laptop. “He came in last night chasing a mouse and apparently he likes it here. I kicked him out in the morning and found him at my door when I got back. I left him in the hall, but he started caterwauling. Grace came. She tried taking him outside. He scratched her arms, so she threw himin here and told me I have a cat.” “I believe it needs to be said—” “No, it does not. See this?” I tugged a hank of my hair. “Contrary to popular opinion, blond hair does not feed off brain cells.” “You swiped Chandler’s gun?” I said. “No, I merely failed to return it.” She’d helped him hide a body, for God’s sake. She understood necessity. She understood that ethics were in most cases a burden that could be reasonably ignored in pursuit of necessity In her own way, she’s as self-centered as Gabriel. Maybe that’s why I understand him so well. But there’s a difference, too. Gabriel might always have his own best interests at heart, but he expects everyone else to do the same for themselves. To him, we are all the center of our own universes. My mother sees herself as the sun, the rest of us revolving around her. Arvamus: See oli üllatavalt hea! Clever, head ja huvitavad tegelased... ootan täitsa järgmist raamatut. Hinne: 4/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:27 | |
| 83.
Nimi: On Writing Autor: Stehen King Kuupäev: 18.09.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 297 Sisu: "Long live the King" hailed "Entertainment Weekly" upon the publication of Stephen King's "On Writing." Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time, this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writer's craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have. King's advice is grounded in his vivid memories from childhood through his emergence as a writer, from his struggling early career to his widely reported near-fatal accident in 1999 -- and how the inextricable link between writing and living spurred his recovery. Brilliantly structured, friendly and inspiring, "On Writing" will empower and entertain everyone who reads it -- fans, writers, and anyone who loves a great story well told. Katkendid:We are writers, and we never ask one another where we get our ideas; we know we don’t know. After having a two-hundred-pound babysitter fart on your face and yell Pow!, The Village Voice holds few terrors. It’s worked. Our marriage has outlasted all of the world’s leaders except for Castro. What am I going to say, “on the table is a cage three feet, six inches in length, two feet in width, and fourteen inches high”? That’s not prose, that’s an instruction manual. If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. Almost everyone can remember losing his or her virginity, and most writers can remember the first book he/she put down thinking: I can do better than this. Hell, I am doing better than this! I think you begin by interpreting “write what you know” as broadly and inclusively as possible. If you’re a plumber, you know plumbing, but that is far from the extent of your knowledge; the heart also knows things, and so does the imagination. Thank God. If not for heart and imagination, the world of fiction would be a pretty seedy place. It might not even exist at all. Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s. Recently I read this sentence in a forthcoming novel I prefer not to name: “He sat stolidly beside the corpse, waiting for the medical examiner as patiently as a man waiting for a turkey sandwich.” If there is a clarifying connection here, I wasn’t able to make it. I consequently closed the book without reading further. If a writer knows what he or she is doing, I’ll go along for the ride. If he or she doesn’t . . . well, I’m in my fifties now, and there are a lot of books out there. I don’t have time to waste with the poorly written ones. The most important things to remember about back story are that (a) everyone has a history and (b) most of it isn’t very interesting. Stick to the parts that are, and don’t get carried away with the rest. Long life stories are best received in bars, and only then an hour or so before closing time, and if you are buying. Writing is not life, but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life. Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy. Arvamus: Mulle meeldis. Kohe väga. End üles töötanud inimestest on inspireeriv lugeda. Meeldis see ajalugu ja kingi näpunäited. Mõndadega nõustun, teistega mitte, aga väärt lugemine oli see sellegipoolest. Enim meeldis ehk see lugu, kuidas ta poeg Owen vaid tundide ajal saksofoni harjutas ja muidu saksofon oma karpi jäi ja siis Stephen pakkus talle võimalust lõpetada, mille ta vastu võttis. Oh, ja Kingi lai silmaring kirjanduses ja näited olid vapustavad! Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:34 | |
| 84.
Nimi: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Won't Stop Talking Autor: Susan Cain Kuupäev: 17.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 336 Sisu: At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brainstorming in teams. Although they are often labeled "quiet," it is to introverts that we owe many of the great contributions to society--from van Gogh’s sunflowers to the invention of the personal computer. Passionately argued, impressively researched, and filled with indelible stories of real people, Quiet shows how dramatically we undervalue introverts, and how much we lose in doing so. Taking the reader on a journey from Dale Carnegie’s birthplace to Harvard Business School, from a Tony Robbins seminar to an evangelical megachurch, Susan Cain charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal in the twentieth century and explores its far-reaching effects. She talks to Asian-American students who feel alienated from the brash, backslapping atmosphere of American schools. She questions the dominant values of American business culture, where forced collaboration can stand in the way of innovation, and where the leadership potential of introverts is often overlooked. And she draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to reveal the surprising differences between extroverts and introverts. Perhaps most inspiring, she introduces us to successful introverts--from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who quietly taps into the power of questions. Finally, she offers invaluable advice on everything from how to better negotiate differences in introvert-extrovert relationships to how to empower an introverted child to when it makes sense to be a "pretend extrovert." This extraordinary book has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves. Katkendid:I find myself praying for calamity - a flood or a small earthquake, maybe - anything so I don't have to go through with this. Then I feel quilty for involving the rest of the city in my drama. Take the partnership of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr: a formidable orator refusing to give up his seat on a segregated bus wouldn't have the same effect as a modest woman who'd clearlt prefer to keep silent but for the excigencies of the situation. And Parks didn't have the stuff to thrill a crowd, if she'd tried to stand up and announce that she had a dream. But with King's help, she didn't have to. Arvamus: Mulle see raamat meeldis. Põhiideed ja teadmised toodi minuni lugudena, mis olid väga ilmestavad. Ahhaa-momente oli päris palju, kus end ära tundsin. Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:37 | |
| 85.
Nimi: Hea põhjatuule vastu Autor: Daniel Glattauer Kuupäev: 17.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 207 Sisu: Kõik algab juhuslikult – nagu nii mõnigi oluline asi siin elus. Leo Leike postkasti jõuavad eksikombel kellegi tundmatu Emmi Rothneri e-kirjad. Mees vastab viisakusest. Tekib kirjavahetus. Algul püütakse vastastikku vaimukusi pilduda, ent aja möödudes läheb suhtlemine isiklikumaks – ja flirtivamaks. Kuigi tegelikult pole kumbki neid uut suhet otsimas: Emmi on pealtnäha õnnelikus abielus, Leo aga pole veel toibunud eelmise suhte purunemisest. Ometigi muutub selline virtuaalne lähedus kummalegi järjest vajalikumaks, pakkudes nii erutavaid kõrghetki kui ka masendavaid madalseise. Daniel Glattauer (s 1960 Viinis) on õppinud pedagoogikat ja kunstiajalugu. Alates 1985. aastast on ta tegev ajakirjanikuna päevalehe Der Standard juures. „Hea põhjatuule vastu“ ilmus 2006 ja kandideeris suurimale saksa kirjandusauhinnale Deutscher Buchpreis. Teos sai kiirelt bestselleriks, on tõlgitud 36 keelde ning 2007 valmisid selle põhjal ka teatrilavastus ja kuuldemäng. Katkend:
See naine, ütlen ma sulle, annab mulle võimaluse mõelda kellelegi teisele kui sulle, Marlene, ja sellegipoolest tunda midagi sarnast. Ta tekitab minus ärevust, erutab mind, vahel võiksin ma ta kuu peale saata, aga niisama meeldasti tooksin ma ta sealt jälle alla. Ma nimelt vajan teda siin, maa peal. Arvamus: See polnud oh-wow!, aga meeldis. :) Siiras ja reaalne. Mõnus idee (mitte küll recolutsiooniline idee, aga seda oli tore lugeda). Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:39 | |
| 86.
Nimi: Psühholoogia gümnaasiumile Autorid: J. Allik, M. Rauk, E. Kikas jt Kuupäev: 18.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 280 Sisu: Ülevaatlik õpik psühholoogiast. Arvamus: Asjalik raamat. Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:43 | |
| 87.
Nimi: Every Seventh Wave Autor: Daniel Glattauer Kuupäev: 18.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 272 Sisu: The eagerly awaited sequel to "Love Virtually"--2011's wittiest, most compelling love story. ""How will this go on, Leo? The same as before? But where will it go? Nowhere, just on. You live your life, I live mine. And the rest we'll live together." " "Love Virtually" ended as Leo abruptly departed for a new life in the United States, determined to end once and for all the intense cyber-exchange that threatened Emmi's marriage and his own happiness. But shouldn't these unconventional lovers--intimates who have never met in person--get another chance? Readers thought so, and begged for more. The captivating story continues as Leo returns from Boston and gradually resumes his email contact with Emmi. But now he has his own real-life relationship, with Pamela, a woman from the US. Still, Emmi and Leo cannot stop writing to each other, no matter the consequences. When Pamela learns of Leo's secret and unusual liaison, she returns home, and Emmi's marriage to Bernhard is tested to its limits. Once again Daniel Glattauer delivers an irresistible page-turner--and a sequel worthy of the original. Katkend: That was more than a flood of words, it was a proper torrent. You always let so much swirl about together. And yet sometimes when your closets burst open and your words are soaked in red wine, you can be quite a philosopher. Arvamus: Mind ei huvita enam see etendus. xD Fan-service rarely does any good. Kui esimese raamatuga veel hoolisin, siis sellega kahjuks mitte. Õnneks läks raamat kiiresti. Emmi oli üpriski lapsik ja kogu see teema... meh. Hinne: 2/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:47 | |
| 88.
Nimi: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops Autor: Jen Campbell Kuupäev: 19.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 119 Sisu. From the hugely popular blog, a miscellany of hilarious and peculiar bookshop moments: 'Can books conduct electricity?' 'My children are just climbing your bookshelves: that's ok... isn't it?' A John Cleese Twitter question ['What is your pet peeve?'], first sparked the 'Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops' blog, which grew over three years into one bookseller's collection of ridiculous conversations on the shop floor. From 'Did Beatrix Potter ever write a book about dinosaurs?' to the hunt for a paperback which could forecast the next year's weather; and from 'I've forgotten my glasses, please read me the first chapter' to'Excuse me... is this book edible?' This full-length collection illustrated by the Brothers McLeod also includes top 'Weird Things' from bookshops around the world. Katkendid:
CUSTOMER: Which way is it to High gate cemetery? (Bookseller hands over a map) CUSTOMER: Thanks. And that vampire that used to live there... he's dead now, right? CUSTOMER: Do you have any Robin Hood stories where he doesn't steal from the rich? My hudband's called Robin and I'd like to buy him a copy for his birthda, but he's a banker, so... Arvamus: Endiselt one of the most hilarious things ever. Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:51 | |
| 89.
Nimi: More Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops Autor: Jen Campbell Kuupäev: 19.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 121 Sisu: Customer (holding up a book): What’s this? The Secret Garden? Well, it’s not so secret now, is it, since they bloody well wrote a book about it! Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops was a Sunday Times bestseller, and could be found displayed on bookshop counters up and down the country. The response to the book from booksellers all over the world has been one of heartfelt agreement: it would appear that customers are saying bizarre things all over the place - from asking for books with photographs of Jesus in them, to hunting for the best horse owner’s manual that has a detailed chapter on unicorns. Customer: I had such a crush on Captain Hook when I was younger. Do you think this means I have unresolved issues? More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops has yet more tales from the antiquarian bookshop where Jen Campbell works, and includes a selection of ‘Weird Things...’ sent in from other booksellers across the world. The book is illustrated by the BAFTA winning Brothers McLeod. Katkendid:CUSTOMER: I don't like biographies. The main character pretty much always dies in the end. It's so predicatble! CUSTOMER: Tell me, is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone still in print? BOOKSELLER: Yes, of course. CUSTOMER: I wasn't sure if they stopped printing it, you see - surel everyone has a copy by now? Arvamus: This is just rich! Kuigi Internet ja filmid ja elugerid-asjad on inimesed tõesti lolliks teinud. Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 13:56 | |
| 90.
Nimi: The Great Gatsby Autor: F. S. Fitzgerald Kuupäev: 23.10.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 208 Sisu: In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald's finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author's generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald's--and his country's--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--" Gatsby's rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream. It's also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel's more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy's patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem. Katkendid:"I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library." "And I like big parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy." "Then came the war, old sport. It was a great relief, and I tried very hard to die, but I seemed to bear an enchanted life." "You can't repeat the past." "Can't repeat the past?" he cried. "Why of course you can!" So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. Arvamus: The second time around... ilus kirjutamine oli. Ja iga teine sõna oli mingi jõletis. Aga üldiselt meeldis. Ei andnud endiselt sellist emotsiooni nagu film, aga oh well... Hinne: 4/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 14:00 | |
| 91.
Nimi: The Lightning Thief Autor: Rick Riordan Kuupäev: 1.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 375 Sisu: Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school... again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of them. Zeus' master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus' stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the true thief: he must come to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns him of betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves. Katkendid:But Luke had welcomed me into the cabin. He'd even stolen me some toiletries, which was the nicest thing anyone had done to me all day. In a way, it's nice to know there are Greek gods out there, because you have somebody to blame when things go wrong. Ares has strength. That's all he has. Even strength has to bow to wisdom sometimes. Arvamus: Niisiis. Ootamatult iseenedale mulle see raamat meeldis! :) See oli lõbus, lustlik ja hoogne. Lugu oli hea ja kuigi häiris peategelaste vanus, on sellel raamatul ka õpetlik väärtus. Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 3/11/2013, 14:04 | |
| 92.
Nimi: The Sea of Monsters Autor: Rick Riordan Kuupäev: 3.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 279 Sisu: The heroic son of Poseidon makes an action-packed comeback in the second must-read installment of Rick Riordan's amazing young readers series. Starring Percy Jackson, a "half blood" whose mother is human and whose father is the God of the Sea, Riordan's series combines cliffhanger adventure and Greek mythology lessons that results in true page-turners that get better with each installment. In this episode, The Sea of Monsters, Percy sets out to retrieve the Golden Fleece before his summer camp is destroyed, surpassing the first book's drama and setting the stage for more thrills to come. Katkendid:"Europa fell off and died along the way, but that's not important." "It was probably important to her." "Tyson, thank the gods. Annabeth is hurt!" "You thank the gods she is hurt?" he asked, puzzled. "You weren't able to talk sense into him?" "Well, we kind of tried to kill each other in a duel to death." "I see. You tried the diplomatic approach." Arvamus: Endiselt meeldib! Natukene lapsik, aga oh well... Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 14:59 | |
| 93.
Nimi: The Titan's Curse Autor: Rick Riordan Kuupäev: 06.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 304 Sisu: IT'S NOT EVERYDAY YOU FIND YOURSELF IN COMBAT WITH A HALF-LION, HALF-HUMAN. But when you're the son of a Greek god, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster. Oh and guess what. The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive... Katkendid:Thalia blushed. "Hi Lord Apollo." "Zeus's girl, yes? Makes you my half sister. Used to be a tree, didn't you? Glad you're back. I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees." "And don't worry," she said. "I'm not going to let this be easy and boring for yo. No, I have some wonderful surprises in store. Anguish. Indecision. Oh, you just wait." "That's really okay," I told her. "Don't go to any trouble." "Look at Helen and Paris. Did they let anything come between them?" "Didn't they start the Trojan War and get thousands of people killed?" "Pfft. That's not the point. Follow your heart." "But... I don't know where it's going. My heart, I mean." Arvamus: Endiselt leian, et tegu nunnu ja armsa ja õpetliku sarjaga. Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:04 | |
| 94.
Nimi: The Battle of Labyrinth Autor: Rick Riordan Kuupäev: 06.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 375 Sisu: Percy Jackson isn't expecting freshman orientation to be any fun. But when a mysterious mortal acquaintance appears on campus, followed by demon cheerleaders, things quickly move from bad to worse. In this fourth installment of the blockbuster series, time is running out as war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Even the safe haven of Camp Half-Blood grows more vulnerable by the minute as Kronos's army prepares to invade its once impenetrable borders. To stop the invasion, Percy and his demigod friends must set out on a quest through the Labyrinth - a sprawling underground world with stunning surprises at every turn. Katkendid:I tried to talk to Annabeth, but she was acting like I'd just punched her grandmother. "It isn't easy being an inventor," Hephaestus rumbled. "Always alone. Always misunderstood. Easy to turn bitter, make horrible mistakes. People are more difficult to work with than machines. And when you break a person, he can't be fixed." "Be careful of love. It'll twist your brain around and leave you thinking up is down and right is wrong." Arvamus: Hea. :) Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:09 | |
| 95.
Nimi: The Last Olympian Autor: Rick Riordan Kuupäev: 11.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 381 Sisu: All year the half-bloods have been preparing for battle against the Titans, knowing the odds of a victory are grim. Kronos’s army is stronger than ever, and with every god and half-blood he recruits, the evil Titan’s power only grows. While the Olympians struggle to contain the rampaging monster Typhon, Kronos begins his advance on New York City, where Mount Olympus stands virtually unguarded. Now it’s up to Percy Jackson and an army of young demigods to stop the Lord of Time. In this momentous final book in the New York Times best-selling series, the long-awaited prophecy surrounding Percy’s sixteenth birthday unfolds. And as the battle for Western civilization rages on the streets of Manhattan, Percy faces a terrifying suspicion that he may be fighting against his own fate. Katkendid:It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one. "With great power... comes great power to take a nap. Wake me up later." "Hey, ugly!" Annabeth yelled. I hoped he was talking to the giant, not me. She looked at me, like she was drinking in the fact that I was still here. And I realized I was doing the same thing. The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive. Arvamus: Like it. ^^ Mõtted on võrreldes esimese raamatuga samas. Kuidagi soe tunne ka sees. Tore lugemine oli. Tegelased meeldisid. Samas ei tea, kas hakkan seda teist sarja ka lugema. Väärt kraam. Meeldis Percy soov lõpus. :) Kuidagi sobiv. Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:16 | |
| 96.
Nimi: The Book Thief Autor: Markus Zusak Lehekülgede arv: 552 Kuupäev: 12.11.2013 Sisu: It is 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier, and will become busier still. Liesel Meminger is a foster girl living outside of Munich, who scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement. In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak, author of I Am the Messenger, has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time. Katkendid:Insane or not, Rudy was always destined to be Liesel's best friend. A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship. "What do you want to kiss me for? I'm filthy." "So am I." Rudy clearly saw no reason why a bit of filth should get in the way of things. One seat, two men, a short argument, and me. It kills me sometimes how people die. Arvamus: Mulle meeldis. Kohe siiralt. Südamlik lugu, mis pani kaasa elama. (Pluss mulle meeldivad sellist sorti raamatud.) Ma hoolisin tegelastest. Mulle meeldis selline mahe jutustamisstiil (kuigi vahepeal oli see natukene veider - mingi hommikusöögikarva päike - wtf?). Soovitan soojalt kõigile (ja ei mõista, miks ma esimesel korral seda lugedes paarikümne lehe järel pooleli jätsin., kui nüüd olin esimesest leheküljest haaratud). Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:20 | |
| 97.
Nimi: To the Lighthouse Autor: Virginia Woolf Kuupäev: 16.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 209 Sisu: The novel that established Virginia Woolf as a leading writer of the twentieth century, To the Lighthouse is made up of three powerfully charged visions into the life of one family living in a summer house off the rocky coast of Scotland. As time winds its way through their lives, the Ramsays face, alone and simultaneously, the greatest of human challenges and it greatest triumph--the human capacity for change. A moving portrait in miniature of family life, it also has profoundly universal implications, giving language to the silent space that separates people and the space that they transgress to reach each other. There are very few exceptional and miraculous novels that have the power to change their readers forever. To the Lighthouse is one of them. Katkendid:She could be herself, by herself. If Shakespeare had never existed, he asked, would the world have differed much from what it is today? Does the progress of civilization depend upon great men? Arvamus: See oli teistmoodi. Raske oli lugeda - äärmiselt sisutihe tekst ja midagi väga ei juhtunud. Õppisie tundma tegelaste sisemaailmu, oli palju häid mõtteid. Tegu on väga hea raamatuga, aga kuna nautida seda raske (ma vist liiga noor veel), siis 4/5. Hinne: 4/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:33 | |
| 98.
Nimi: The Fiery Heart Autor: Richelle Mead Kuupäev: 19.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 438 Sisu: Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle Mead fans will never forget, she made a decision that shocked even her. . . . But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure — and re-education — looms larger than ever. Pulses will race throughout this smoldering fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe. Katkendid:I was trying to think deep thoughts as I read Gatsby, but mostly I just wanted to throw some parties. "Wait," I interrupted, "you broke into a classroom?" "yeah. But that's not the problem." "Wht not?" he asked. "Why not what?" "Why can't I talk about Angeline?" "Do you want to?" "I don't know. Sometimes." "Aren't you failing English?" Angeline flushed. "It's not my fault." "Even I know you can't write an entry on Wikipedia and then use it as a source in your essay." Sydney had been torn between horror and hysterics when she told me. "I took "primary source" to a whole new level!" The center will hold. Will it, Sydney? I wondered. Because I'm falling apart." Arvamus: Nonii. Kui ma seda lõppu köögis lugesin, siis ma ei julenud Marile öelda, et mis raamat see on. Ja mul on enda pärast häbi. Sest seda sorti kirjanduses on palju pärle ja see sari (ning Richelle Mead üldiselt) on hea näide. Lihtsalt halvad sarjad on YA/fantasy maine teenimatult alla viinud. See raamat oli lõbus - palju deadpan tabavat dialoogi. See raamat oli tempokas - kogu aeg midagi juhtus ja asjad, mis juhtusid, viisid millenigi - tegu ei ole sloppy kirjutamisega. Ja need tegelased! Areng on meeletu. Ja kirjeldamine on tõesti hea. Näiteks lõpus Adriani peas olles selle meeleheite edasiandmine - imetlusväärne! Sa saad aru, tunned, mis toimub. Tegelased pistavad siin rinda tõeliste probleemidega: suhted vanematega, suhted endast erinevate inimestega, sõltuvused, probleemid kehaga, probleemid vaimuga... probleemid ühiskonnaga. Ja sellest hoolimata, et tegelastel on palju probleeme, saavad nad olla väga edukat eeskujud. Sydney sellega, kui tähtis on alla avatud ja kui tähtis on õppida (inspiratsiooniallikas); Adrian sellega, kuidas olla tugev, mida tähendavad lähedased ja millised sacrifice'id vahel lähedaste jaoks tegemist väärt on. Soov aidata, isetus. (Ja nad hoiavad teineteist tasakaalus. Nad teavad, millal teine peab üle võtma, kui nad ise midagi teha ei saa.) Sama ka teiste tegelaste puhul: sõprus, kohusetundlikkus, truudus... See asi ei pruugi kullana tunduda, but it's damn close. (Kuigi kaanekujundus läheb aina hullemaks. ) Hinne: 5/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:36 | |
| 99.
Nimi: Eating Disorders for Dummies Autor: Susan Schulherr Kuupäev: 26.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 364 Sisu: Do you think that you or someone you love may suffer from and eating disorder? "Eating Disorders For Dummies" gives you the straight facts you need to make sense of what's happening inside you and offers a simple step-by-step procedure for developing a safe and health plan for recovery.This practical, reassuring, and gentle guide explains anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder in plain English, as well as other disorders such as bigorexia and compulsive exercising. Informative checklists help you determine whether you are suffering form an eating disorder and, if so, what impact the disorder is having or may soon have on your health. You'll also get plenty of help in finding the right therapist, evaluating the latest treatments, and learning how to support recovery on a day-by-day basis. Discover how to: Identify eating disorder warning signsSet yourself on a sound and successful path to recoveryRecognize companion disorders and addictionsHandle anxiety and emotional eatingSurvive setbacksApproach someone about getting treatmentTreat eating disorders in men, children, and the elderlyHelp a sibling, friend, or partner with and eating disorderBenefit from recovery in ways you never imagined Complete with helpful lists of recovery dos and don'ts, "Eating Disorders For Dummies" is an immensely important resource for anyone who wants to recover -- or help a loved one recover -- from one of these disabling conditions and regain a healthy and energetic life. Arvamus: Väga lihtsakoeline. Ootasin/tahtsin teaduslikumat lähenemist. Aga selleks on "Dummies" seeria raamat ikka väga vale asi. Ülevaate sai küll, end natukene haritud, aga ei midagi groundbreakingit. Hinne: 3/5 | |
| | | nasicc Pehme admin
Postituste arv : 5899 Age : 31 Asukoht : Tartu
| Pealkiri: Re: 2013 30/12/2013, 15:45 | |
| 100.
Nimi: Wild Justice Autor: Kelley Armstrong Kuupäev: 27.11.2013 Lehekülgede arv: 400 Sisu: Protect the innocent. If there is any one principle that drives hit man Nadia Stafford, it’s this. In her own mind, when she was thirteen, she failed to protect her older cousin Amy from being murdered. Now she fails again, disastrously, when she botches a hit. To help her find her equilibrium, her mentor, Jack, brings her a gift: the location and new identity of the predator who killed her cousin and disappeared after the case against him failed. Vengeance, justice? With the predator in her sights, nothing seems more right, more straightforward, more easy. But finding justice is never as simple as it seems. Katkendid:"I'm not a shrink. Never been to one. Shot a couple. Don't think that counts. Point is, I don't know how this works. Memories and shit. Better confronted? Or buried?" "If you looked more relaxed, I'd be checking for a pulse." "It looks like a short dress." His grin grew. "Can I see?" Jack's look said he was no longer contemplating murder; he was now trying to figure out where to hide the body. "You two have been circling each other so long I was getting dizzy watching." "You know how long I have been wanting this= Since the third time I came to see you. Hell, maybe from the first time. I just didn't realize it until the third." Hitmen apparently did not take walks, unless they were stalking someone. Arvamus: Mm. See oli hea. Põnev, aga pigem sp, et hoolisin tegelastest ja tahtsin näha, mis saab. Plot oli liiga pikk niidijupp, no real suspense or action. Aga muidu (Y). Hinne: 4/5 | |
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