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 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut

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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime18/9/2016, 11:50


Pealkiri: Teekon I ja II raamat

Autor: Justin Cronin

Tutvustus:An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy—abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape—but he can’t stop society’s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world

Tüüp: kõvakaaneline

Lk arv: 568+416 on 984

Minu arvamus: Miks eestikeelne raamat on kahe osasse jaotatud? Liiga paks? Ma ei tea, igal juhul kuna ingliskeeles on see I ja II osa üks raamat, panin ma nad kokku. Nii. Üsna hea on. Huvitav. Mulle meeldib, kui raamatu keskel ei oska ette ennustada, mis nüüd saama hakkab.


19 282 ja 984 on 20 266
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime9/10/2016, 08:18


Pealkiri: Kaksteist I ja II

Autor: Justin Cronin

Tutvustus:In the present day, as the man-made apocalypse unfolds, three strangers navigate the chaos. Lila, a doctor and an expectant mother, is so shattered by the spread of violence and infection that she continues to plan for her child’s arrival even as society dissolves around her. Kittridge, known to the world as “Last Stand in Denver,” has been forced to flee his stronghold and is now on the road, dodging the infected, armed but alone and well aware that a tank of gas will get him only so far. April is a teenager fighting to guide her little brother safely through a landscape of death and ruin. These three will learn that they have not been fully abandoned—and that in connection lies hope, even on the darkest of nights.
One hundred years in the future, Amy and the others fight on for humankind’s salvation...unaware that the rules have changed. The enemy has evolved, and a dark new order has arisen with a vision of the future infinitely more horrifying than man’s extinction. If the Twelve are to fall, one of those united to vanquish them will have to pay the ultimate price.

Tüüp: kõvakaaneline

Lk arv: 312+408=  620

Minu arvamus: Panin jälle kokku, kuna milllegipärast on ta eesti keeles poolitatud... Kuigi kokkuvõttes poleks see üldse paks olnud. Aga raamatust endast... Alguses mulle ei meeldinud tõlkija stiil, aga lõpu poole läks see paremaks. Lugu ise oli ka veidi veider alguses. Kuidagi liiga kaua venis. Lõpp oli ootamatu, jällegi, alguses tundus lõplik, kuid siis... Siis tuli välja, et on veel materjali edasiminekuks.


20 266 ja 620 on 20 886
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime9/10/2016, 10:17


Pealkiri: Arheoloogia teooria

Autor: Matthew Johnson

Tutvustus:See raamat on sissejuhatav essee arheoloogia teooriast. Ta püüab seletada teooria olemust, selle seost arheoloogia praktikaga, samuti seda, kuidas teooria on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul arenenud koos arheoloogiaga ja kuidas arheoloogiline mõte seostub teooriaga nii humanitaarteadustes kui üldse kogu mõistuspärases maailmas.

Tüüp: pdf

Lk arv: 162

Minu arvamus: Teooria, teooria... Täis raskeid sõnu. Aga kirjutamisstiil oli väga mõnus, polnud sugugi kuiv akadeemiline tekst. Selles suhtes hea. Ometi läks mul nii-nii kaua selle läbilugemisega, kuna mul oli kõike paremat lugeda.

20 886 ja 162 on 21048
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime18/10/2016, 11:41


Pealkiri: Käsuõigus

Autor: Tom Clancy

Tutvustus:Venemaal on esile kerkinud uus jõuline juht – president Valeri Volodin. Tema isiklik impeerium tugineb verisel minevikusaladusel ning ta kõrvaldab kõik, kes sellele läheneda julgevad. Volodinil on plaan taastada Venemaa kunagine hiilgus ja vägevus, ent maailm ei usu veel, et plaani kuulub ka sõjaline invasioon. Kui see Eestis ja Ukrainas siiski toimub, ei saa NATO enam kõrvalt vaadata. USA president Jack Ryan peab võitlust Venemaa agressiooni nurjamiseks, ta poeg salasõda varjatud vaenlasega, ning üleilmse konflikti ohu kasvades näib ellujäämise võimalus üha kahanevat…
Tüüp: kõvakaaneline

Lk arv: 640

Minu arvamus: Huuh, nii palju nimesid ja erinevaid tegelasi, et ma sain alles lõpupoole selgeks, kes on kes. Tempo oli aeglane, kuid suutis huvi üleval hoida. Üleüldiselt päris põneva nurga alt kirjutatud. Ma ei ole kindel, kas ma Clany teisi raamatuid tahaks lugeda, kuid kindlasti naelutas see raamat mind tavalisest rohkem lehtede külge.


21048 ja 640 on 21 684
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime26/10/2016, 14:04


Pealkiri: Ootamatu võimalus

Autor: J. K. Rowling

Tutvustus: Väike Pagfordi alev on vapustatud, kui neljakümnendates eluaastates Barry Fairbrother ootamatult sureb. Pealtnäha on Pagford oma munakivisillutisega väljaku ning iidse kloostriga idülliline Inglismaa alev, kuid kauni fassaadi taga käib sõda. Rikkad sõdivad vaestega, teismelised vanematega, naised meestega, õpetajad õpilastega... Pagford pole selline, nagu esmapilgul paistab.
Barryst maha jäänud tühi koht vallavolikogus annab ajendi seni suurimale sõjale alevi ajaloos. Kes võidab kire, kahepalgelisuse ja ootamatute paljastustega pikitud valimised?

Lk arv: 448

Minu arvamus: Lugu ise on üsna selline.. tavaline, tüüpiline väikelinna elu. Okei, Eestis vb pole asi nii ülespuhutud. Aga väga head karakterid ja kui unustad ära, et Rowling kirjutas, siis võib seda raamatut vabalt nautida. Pani ikka kaasa elama tegelastele


21 684 + 448 on 22 132
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime31/10/2016, 16:01


Pealkiri: Superajud

Autor: Robert Clarke

Tutvustus: Inimese aju on kõige keerulisem nähtus, mis loodus kunagi loonud. Koosnedes sajast miljardist rakust, on ta efektiivsem kui kõige võimsamgi arvuti. Kuid mitte kõigi inimeste aju ei funktsioneeri ühtmoodi.
See raamat tutvustab põnevate lugude kaudu erakordse ajuga inimeste osalt siiani mõistatuseks jäänud elu, nende loomingut, loomerõõme ja -piinu. Ehk saab lugedes selgemaks, mis peitub imelaste, «tarkade idiootide» ja autistide kummaliste oskuste-võimete taga, mis sünnitab geeniusi või annab leiutajatele nende kadestamisväärse mõttelennu, kui tähtis on geneetiline pagas ning intelligentsuse roll geeniuse kujunemisel.

Lk arv: 165

Minu arvamus: Väga hariv ja väga hästi tõlgitud/kirjutatud. KIndlasti soovitan

22 132+ 165 on 22 287
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime28/11/2016, 16:11


Pealkiri: Frankenstein


Tutvustus: Kõik algab sellega, kui Robert Walton keset oma reisi Põhjanabale päästab uppumast ühe väga kummalise mehe – Victor Frankensteini, kes jutustab talle järgmise loo…
Saanud just seitsmeteistkümneaastaseks asusin ma Inglismaale ülikooli. Seal omandatud teadmised vaimustasid mind nõnda, et ma pühendasin end veelgi enam keemia salapärasesse maailma. Ma jõudsin nii kaugele, et sain jälile inimorganismi saladusele. Ning ühel pimedal ööl see juhtuski, ma lõin hirmuäratava koletise. Too olevus, kes just oli ellu ärganud, põhjustas minus kui noores teadlases sellise närvivapustuse, et pidin tervelt kolm kuud veetma voodis oma sõbra Clervali hoolitsuse all. Olles end kogunud, pöördusin tagasi oma sünnilinna Genfi.
Kuid koletis, kellele ma elu andnud olin, õppis ära nii inimeste kombed kui ka suhtlemise, vaadeldes üht taluperekonda. Lõpuks võttis ta end kokku ning läks neile külla. Nemad aga ehmusid ning ajasid ta minema. See vihastas koletist nii väga, et vandus igavest kättemaksu tervele inimkonnale, kuid põhiliselt oma loojale – see tähendab mulle, Frankensteinile.
Ja pärast seda polnud mu elu enam endine. Deemon tappis kõik minu sõbrad ning lõpuks ka minu enese, sest jälitasin koletist kõikjal ning just seda ta ju sooviski. Meeletu jälitus kestis seni, kuni Robert Watson oma ekspeditsioonil mu oma laeval võttis.

Lk arv: 172

Minu arvamus: See harv kord, kui remaked on paremad kui originaal. Ma saan aru, miks see omal ajal võis olla uudne ja huvitav aga omg, kui igav see tänapäeval on.

22 287+172 on 22 459
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime2/12/2016, 16:06


Pealkiri: Storm Front

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: Harry Dresden is the best at what he does. Well, technically, he's the only at what he does. So when the Chicago P.D. has a case that transcends mortal creativity or capability, they come to him for answers. For the "everyday" world is actually full of strange and magical things—and most don't play well with humans. That's where Harry comes in. Takes a wizard to catch a—well, whatever. There's just one problem. Business, to put it mildly, stinks.
So when the police bring him in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name. And that's when things start to get interesting.
Magic - it can get a guy killed

Lk arv: 355

Minu arvamus: Mulle krimkad ei meeldi. Ja urban fantasy'd ka mitte. Aga sellises võtmes on see päris põnev. Jap. Loeks veel mõnda raamatut sellest sarjast.
22 459+355= 22824
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime3/12/2016, 20:00


Pealkiri: Fool Moon

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: Business has been slow. Okay, business has been dead. And not even of the undead variety. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden hasn't been able to dredge up any kind of work--magical or mundane.
But just when it looks like he can't afford his next meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise.
A brutally mutilated corpse. Strange-looking paw prints. A full moon. Take three guesses--and the first two don't count...

Lk arv: 401

Minu arvamus: Parem ja põnevam kui esimene. Hoidis pinget viimase hetkeni.

22 824+ 401 on 23 225
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime6/12/2016, 11:52


Pealkiri: Fool Moon

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: Harry Dresden has faced some pretty terrifying foes during his career. Giant scorpions. Oversexed vampires. Psychotic werewolves. It comes with the territory when you're the only professional wizard in the Chicago-area phone book.
But in all Harry's years of supernatural sleuthing, he's never faced anything like this: The spirit world has gone postal. All over Chicago, ghosts are causing trouble - and not just of the door-slamming, boo-shouting variety. These ghosts are tormented, violent, and deadly. Someone - or something - is purposely stirring them up to wreak unearthly havoc. But why? And why do so many of the victims have ties to Harry? If Harry doesn't figure it out soon, he could wind up a ghost himself....

Lk arv: 378

See ei ole enam üldse krimka maiguga, mis on väga hea. Palju olukordi, kus mõtled, et kuidas kurat ta nüüüd sealt välja saab. MUlle meeldis. Pinge viimase hetkeni. Pinget oleks veel rohkem, kui ma ei teaks, et sari edasi läheb Very Happy Very Happy

23 225+ 378 = 23 603
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime9/12/2016, 16:11


Pealkiri: Summer Knoght

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: And just when it seems things can't get any worse, in saunters the Winter Queen of Faerie. She has an offer Harry can't refuse if he wants to free himself of the supernatural hold his faerie godmother has over him--and hopefully end his run of bad luck. All he has to do is find out who murdered the Summer Queen's right-hand man, the Summer Knight, and clear the Winter Queen's name.
It seems simple enough, but Harry knows better than to get caught in the middle of faerie politics. Until he finds out that the fate of the entire world rests on his solving this case. No pressure or anything.

Lk arv: 449

Minu arvamus: No ikka nii raskeks on tegelase elu tehtud, et ma lausa kadestan seda kirjanikku Very Happy HEa

23 225 ja 449 on 23 674
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime12/12/2016, 15:54


Pealkiri: Death MAsks

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: A duel with the Red Court of Vampires' champion, who must kill Harry to end the war between vampires and wizards...
Professional hit men using Harry for target practice...
The missing Shroud of Turin...
A handless and headless corpse the Chicago police need identified...
Not to mention the return of Harry's ex-girlfriend Susan, who's still struggling with her semi-vampiric nature. And who seems to have a new man in her life.
Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. No matter how much you're charging.

Lk arv: 432

Minu arvamus: Seni kõige kehvem raamat sellest sarjast. Hea, aga veidi igavam kui teised

23 225 ja 449 on 24106
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime12/12/2016, 18:54


Pealkiri: Dead Beat

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: Harry Dresden knows full well that such creatures exist. Paranormal investigations are his stock-in-trade, and Chicago is his beat as he tries to bring law and order to a world that exists on the edges of imagination. Luckily Harry's not alone in this struggle. And though most inhabitants of the Windy City don't believe in magic, there's a department that's been set up within the Chicago PD to deal with "strange" cases: the Special Investigations department.
Karrin Murphy is the head of SI and a good friend of Harry's. So when a deadly vampire threatens to destroy Murphy's reputation unless Harry helps her, he has no choice. The vampire wants the Word of Kemmler and all the power that comes with it - but first Harry has to determine what the Word of Kemmler is. Now Harry is in a race against time - and six necromancers - to find the Word before Chicago experiences a Halloween night to wake the dead.

Lk arv: 517

Minu arvamus: Päris lahe lõpplahendus. Jällegi vaenlased, kes on ülitugevad ja pm võimatu võita, aga tegi ära. Naiss. Ainult et how the fuck ta kõigi nende vigastustega hakkama saab?

24106+ 517 on 24623
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime28/12/2016, 16:30


Pealkiri: Proven Guilty

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: There's no love lost between Harry Dresden, the only wizard in the Chicago phone book, and the White Council of Wizards, who find him brash and undisciplined. But war with the vampires has thinned their ranks, so the Council has drafted Harry as a Warden and assigned him to look into rumors of black magic in the Windy City.
As Harry adjusts to his new role, another problem arrives in the form of the tattooed and pierced daughter of an old friend, all grown-up and already in trouble. Her boyfriend is the only suspect in what looks like a supernatural assault straight out of a horror film. Malevolent entities that feed on fear are loose in Chicago, but it's all in a day's work for a wizard, his faithful dog, and a talking skull named Bob...

Lk arv: 479

Minu arvamus: Päris lahe lõpplahendus. Jällegi vaenlased, kes on ülitugevad ja pm võimatu võita, aga tegi ära. Naiss. Ainult et how the fuck ta kõigi nende vigastustega hakkama saab?

24623 ja 479 on 25 202


Pealkiri: White Night

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: In Chicago, someone has been killing practitioners of magic, those incapable of becoming full-fledged wizards. Shockingly, all the evidence points to Harry Dresden's half-brother, Thomas, as the murderer. Determined to clear his sibling's name, Harry uncovers a conspiracy within the White Council of Wizards that threatens not only him, but his nearest and dearest, too...

Lk arv: 407

Minu arvamus:

25 202+ 407 on 25 609


Pealkiri: Small Favour

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus:Harry Dresden's life finally seems to be calming down -- until a shadow from the past returns. Mab, monarch of the Sidhe Winter Court, calls in an old favor from Harry -- one small favor that will trap him between a nightmarish foe and an equally deadly ally, and that will strain his skills -- and loyalties -- to their very limits.

Lk arv: 420

Minu arvamus:

25 609+ 420 on 26 029


Pealkiri: Blood Rites

Autor: Jim Butcher

TutvustusFor Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, there have been worse assignments than going undercover on the set of an adult film. Dodging flaming monkey poo, for instance. Or going toe-to-leaf with a walking plant monster. Still, there is something more troubling than usual about his newest case. The film's producer believes he's the target of a sinister entropy curse, but it's the women around him who are dying, in increasingly spectacular ways.

Harry is doubly frustrated because he got involved with this bizarre mystery only as a favor to Thomas, his flirtatious, self-absorbed vampire acquaintance of dubious integrity. Thomas has a personal stake in the case Harry can't quite figure out, until his investigation leads him straight to Thomas' oversexed vampire family. Harry is about to discover that Thomas' family tree has been hiding a shocking secret; a revelation that will change Harry's life forever.

Lk arv: 372

Minu arvamus:

26 029+ 372 on 26 401


Pealkiri: Turn Coat

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: When it comes to the magical ruling body known as the White Council, Harry keeps his nose clean and his head down. For years, the Council has held a death mark over Harry's head. He's still thought of as a black sheep by some and as a sacrificial lamb by others. But none regard him with more suspicion and disdain than Morgan, a veteran Warden with a grudge against anyone who bends the rules.
Like Harry.
So when Morgan turns up asking for help, Harry isn't exactly eager to leap into action. Morgan has been accused of treason against the White Council, and there's only one final punishment for that crime. He's on the run, he wants his name cleared, and he needs someone with a knack for backing the underdog.
Like Harry.
Now Harry must uncover a traitor within the Council, keep a less than agreeable Morgan under wraps, and avoid coming under scrutiny himself. And a single mistake may cost someone his head.

Lk arv: 420

Minu arvamus:
26 401+ 420 on 26 821


Pealkiri: Ghost Strory

Autor: Jim Butcher

Tutvustus: When we last left the mighty wizard detective Harry Dresden, he wasn't doing well. In fact, he had been murdered by an unknown assassin.
But being dead doesn't stop him when his friends are in danger. Except now he has no body, and no magic to help him. And there are also several dark spirits roaming the Chicago shadows who owe Harry some payback of their own.
To save his friends—and his own soul—Harry will have to pull off the ultimate trick without any magic.

Lk arv: 481

Minu arvamus:
26 821+ 481 on 27 302


Pealkiri: Cold Days

Autor: Jim Butcher

After being murdered by a mystery assailant, navigating his way through the realm between life and death, and being brought back to the mortal world, Harry realizes that maybe death wasn’t all that bad. Because he is no longer Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard.
He is now Harry Dresden, Winter Knight to Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness. After Harry had no choice but to swear his fealty, Mab wasn’t about to let something as petty as death steal away the prize she had sought for so long. And now, her word is his command, no matter what she wants him to do, no matter where she wants him to go, and no matter who she wants him to kill.
Guess which Mab wants first?
Of course, it won’t be an ordinary, everyday assassination. Mab wants her newest minion to pull off the impossible: kill an immortal. No problem there, right? And to make matters worse, there exists a growing threat to an unfathomable source of magic that could land Harry in the sort of trouble that will make death look like a holiday.
Beset by enemies new and old, Harry must gather his friends and allies, prevent the annihilation of countless innocents, and find a way out of his eternal subservience before his newfound powers claim the only thing he has left to call his own…
His soul

Lk arv: 515

Minu arvamus:
27 302 ja 515 on 27 817

27817+438 on 28 28 255
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime28/12/2016, 16:40


Pealkiri: Skin Game

Autor: Jim Butcher

Lk arv: 454

28 255+454 on 28 709
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime28/12/2016, 16:44


Pealkiri: The invisible library

Autor: Genevieve Cogman

Irene must be at the top of her game or she'll be off the case - permanently...
Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. And along with her enigmatic assistant Kai, she's posted to an alternative London. Their mission - to retrieve a dangerous book. But when they arrive, it's already been stolen. London's underground factions seem prepared to fight to the very death to find her book.
Adding to the jeopardy, this world is chaos-infested - the laws of nature bent to allow supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic. Irene's new assistant is also hiding secrets of his own.
Soon, she's up to her eyebrows in a heady mix of danger, clues and secret societies. Yet failure is not an option - the nature of reality itself is at stake.

lk arv 329

Minu arvamus: Omamoodi huvitav.

28 709+ 329 on 29 038
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime29/12/2016, 19:56


Pealkiri: Süsteem

Autor: Mairi Laurik

Lk arv: 344
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime29/12/2016, 23:06


Pealkiri: the game of thrones

Autor: george.r.r.martin

Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun.
As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must … and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty.
The old gods have no power in the south, Stark’s family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne.

Lk arv: 835

29038+344+835 ehk 1179 on 30 217
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Female Postituste arv : 917
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime29/12/2016, 23:07

2016 seisuga lugesin ma 75 raamatut ja 30217 lehekülge.
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2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut   2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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2016 eesmärk on 80 raamatut
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