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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime7/1/2014, 16:19


2014 9k=

Where She Went, If I Stay #2

Autor: Gayle Forman

Kuupäev: 04.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 208

Sisu: It's been three years since Mia walked out of Adam's life.

And three years he's spent wondering why.

When their paths cross again in New York City, Adam and Mia are brought back together for one life-changing night.

Adam finally has the opportunity to ask Mia the questions that have been haunting him. But will a few hours in this magical city be enough to lay their past to rest, for good - or can you really have a second chance at first love?


First you inspect me
Then you dissect me
Then you reject me
I wait for the day
That you'll resurrect me

Letting go. Everyone talks about it like it's the easiest thing. Unfurl your fingers one by one until your hand is open.

Arvamus: Üldiselt oli hea mõnus coming-of-age story. :) Aga mis kohutavalt närvidele käis - Adami elu jäi täiesti seisma, it backpedalled, kui Mia ta maha jättis. Masetsed AASTAID. Ta on mingi 20. Oleks tahtnud raputada, et saa üle. Samas pole ma ise (nii) armunud olnud, nii et ei mõista... Aga eriline role model ta küll ei ole.

HInne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 19:46


2014 Jevgeni-onegin

Jevgeni Onegin

Autor: Aleksandr Pu¹kin

Kuupäev: 07.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 270

Sisu: Ei uhke ilma lõbuks loonud
ma lustimeeli luuleteost,
kuid sulle oleksin küll toonud
ja pühendanud sõbrapeost
siin värssides ma vägevama
romaani, mille mõttering
ja tunded oleksid niisama
leekpuhtad, lihtsad kui su hing.
Mis parata -- mu pooldajana
eks võta heaks nii kirjus loos
need ideaalsed, verihaljad,
lihtrahvalikud, nukrad naljad --
kõik, mis mu kerges esmahoos,
mu virge vilipäeva kestes,
mu elu põuapaine alt
külm aru koges inimestes
ja süda varus valusalt.


päev oma virge valgusega
ei pääse läbi kardinast
ja miski magades ei sega
nüüd luksuse ja lõbu last
keskpäevani tal vältab uni
siis kordub jälle hommikuni
see kirju kava täpselt nii
kui eile, tunaeilegi

pidustustest peagi pettus
ta hing ja muutus jahedaks,
ja iluduste truudusetus
läks varsti päris igavaks

ta riiulile köiteid ladus
ja luges, luges - huvi kadus_
siin tüütu jutt, seal sõge laim,
see sonib siin, sel puudub vaim

ta uskus, et sümpaatseid hingi
peab kokku viima elutee,
et kusagil käib kurtes ringi
ka tema kallis kaaslane

ma näitan kihluse idülli,
siis jällegi nad ajan tülli
ja lahutan, kuid viimati
nad panen paari niikuinii.

Onegin tulistas. Ning samas
lõi Lenskile ta kalmukell.
Kätt hoides äkki südamel,
ta vaarub, kukub... Kajaldasa
veel helehääli hüüab nurm.
uid pilgus, mis ju kustub tasa,
ei ole valu.
See on surm.

Arvamus: Ma ei teadnudki, et see värsis kirjutatud on. Raamatukogus vaatasin kõik teised raamatud ka üle, et ega mul mingi veidrik pole kätte sattunud. xD
Mulle meeldis. Tõlge oli hea (usun, et originaal ka). Värske, ladus, hea lugu.

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 19:49


2014 Noore-arsti-m%C3%A4rkmed-morfium

Noore asti märkmed. Morfium

Autor: Mihhail Bulgakov

Lehekülgede arv: 141

Sisu: Mihhail Bulgakovi «Noore arsti märkmed» pakub võimalust saada osa Venemaa kolkakülla saabunud verinoore eskulaabi tööpäevadest ja -öödest möödunud sajandil. Kui oled ainuke arst mitmekümne versta peale, siis tullakse sinu juurde nii sünnitama kui surema, rääkimata kõigist muudest hädadest, mis inimest nende sündmuste vahel tabada võivad. Ja keegi ei küsi, kas ja kuidas sa kõigega toime tuled... Meistrisulega kirja pandud novellid vene kirjanduse suurkujult


"Mina pole milleski süüdi," mõtlesin jonnakalt ja piineldes, "mul on diplom, kus on viisteist viit. Ma ju hoiatasin neid seal suures linnas, et tahan minna teiseks arstiks. Ei, naeratasid ja ütlesid: "Küll harjute!" Eks ma siis siin nüüd harjungi... Aga kui song tuuakse? Seletage, kuidas ma sellega harjun? Ja veel - kuidas tunneb songahaige ennast minu käe all? Harjub ta teises ilmas?"

Targad inimesed on ammu tähendanud, et õnnega on nagu tervisega - kui see on olemas, siis teda ei märkagi.

"Ja tunnen tangide all sünnituskanalis midagi arusaamatut. Kord nagu midagi sõmerat, kord tükikesi... Selgus, et see oli rafinaadsuhkur!"
"Vaat see on juba anekdoot!" märkis Demjan Lukit¹ võidutsevalt.
"Lu-bage... mitte midagi ei saa aru..."
"Vanaeit!" selgitas Pelageja Ivanovna. "Posijaeit õpetas. Sünnitus, räägib ta, on raske, lapsuke ei taha ilmavalgust näha. Järelikult peab teda meelitama. Nii nad nähtavasti otsustasidki lapse magusa peale välja meelitada!"

"Seleta mulle ainult üht, onuke: miks sa seda tegid?" hüüdsin talle kõrva.
Ja sünge ning ebasõbralik bass vastas: "Jaa... Mõtlesin, et mis ma siin teiega jändan ühe pulbri kaupa? Võtan kõik korraga ja asi ants."

Minu juurde võidakse tuua ükskõi kui raske või keeruline juhtub, kõige sagedamini kirurgiline, ja ma pean sellele vastu vaatama, sealjuures veel raseerimata näoga, ja seda võitma.

See oli kohati lõbus ja koomiline. Lugu lapse kõri kallale minemisest ajas südame pahaks - hapukurki oli vaja süüa selle peale. XD
Oleks võinud rohkem neid lugusid olla. Alguses käis närvidele, kuidas sellel arstil kõik nii hästi läks, kui ta ise ei saanudki aru, mida ta tegi.

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 19:51


2014 Chess


Stefan Zweig

Kuupäev: 10.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 76

Sisu: Chess Story, also known as The Royal Game, is the Austrian master Stefan Zweig's final achievement, completed in Brazilian exile and sent off to his American publisher only days before his suicide in 1942. It is the only story in which Zweig looks at Nazism, and he does so with characteristic emphasis on the psychological.

Travelers by ship from New York to Buenos Aires find that on board with them is the world champion of chess, an arrogant and unfriendly man. They come together to try their skills against him and are soundly defeated. Then a mysterious passenger steps forward to advise them and their fortunes change. How he came to possess his extraordinary grasp of the game of chess and at what cost lie at the heart of Zweig's story.

This new translation of Chess Story brings out the work's unusual mixture of high suspense and poignant reflection.

Katkendid: After three days I began to feel positively irked by the fact that his doggedly defensive technique was woring better than my will to approach him.

"What? Did you agree to pay him two hundred and fifty dollars?" I cried in dismay.
"Why not? C'est mon metier. If I had toothache and there happened to be a dentist on board, I wouldn't ask him to pull my tooth out for nothing. The man's quite right to name a fat fee; the real experts in any field are good businessmen too. As far as I'm concerned, the more clear-cut a deal is the better. I'd rather pay cash than have a man like Mr Czentovic do me a favor and find myself obliged to thank him in the end. And after all, I've lost over two hundred and fifty dollars in an evening at our club before, and without paying a champion. It's no disgrace for "third-rate" players to be beaten by the likes of Czentovic."

Arvamus: Meeldis! See oli huvitava sisuga ja kerge raamat. Meeldis see läbiv narratiiv, kuidagi sujuv, kuigi kätkes paljusid jutustamisvorme. Oli huvitav end nüüd ka sellise kirjandusega kurssi viia. :)

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 19:54


2014 Z

Mees, kes pidas oma naist kübaraks. Lood ebaharilikest patsientidest

Oliver Sacks

Kuupäev: 19.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 292

Sisu: Inglane Oliver Sacks on üks tänapäeva kuulsamaid neurolooge, keda suur osa inimesi tunneb peategelasena tõsielulisest mängufilmist »Ärkamised» (peaosas Robert de Niro ja Robin Williams), milles arst üritas kooma-laadses seisundis patsiente uue ravimeetodiga ellu tagasi tuua.
«Mees, kes pidas oma naist kübaraks» on äärmuslikke meditsiinilisi juhtumeid kirjeldav kogumik. Need on lood meestest ja naistest, kes jätavad ka kirjanduslikult kordumatu mulje ning tõstatavad küsimuse: mis on õieti reaalsus?

Katkendid: Tavaneuroloogiast (või neuropsühholoogiast) lähtudes ei suutnud ma toimuvat mõista. Mõnes mõttes näis dr. P. olevat täiesti normis, teisalt jälle kannatas ta ilmselt arusaamatu raske kahjustuse all. Kuidas on võimalik, et ta ei suuda teha vahet naisel ja kübaral, aga samal ajal töötab muusikakoolis õppejõuna?

Ta oli tõepoolest liikunud realismilt mittekujutava abstraktsuseni, aga see areng ei olnud kunstiline, vaid patoloogiline - selles peegeldus raske visuaalse agnoosia väljakujunemine, mille käigus hävis kogu kujutamis- ja kujutlusvõime, onkreetsuse ja reaalsuse tajumise võime. See seinatäis pilte oli traagiline ja patoloogiline näitus, mis kuulus neuroloogia, mitte kunsti valdkonda.

Ja viimane humoorikas moment. Kui dr. P. pidas oma naist kübaraks, siis Macrae patsient, kes samuti ei suutnud oma naist ära tunda, tahtis, et naine tähistaks end mingi visuaalse tunnusega, mõne "silmatorkava riideesemega, nagu näiteks suure kübaraga".

Kui inimene on jalast või silmast ilma jäänud, siis ta teab, et tal ei ole jalga või silma, kui ta aga on kaotanud iseenda, oma mina, siis ei või ta seda teada, sest pole seda, kes teaks.

Vaatasin teda seal pingil, kuidas ta loodust mitte lihtsalt niisama, vaid lausa pühalikult nautis, ja mõtlesin, et kõik meie testid, uuringud ja evalvatsioonid on naeruväärselt küündimatud. Nad näitavad küll puudeid, aga mitte võimeid.

Arvamus: Mulle meeldis see, et oli lähenetud patsientidele kui inimestele oma looga. Alguse pool oli seda küll rohkem, hiljem läks pigem faktiliseks kätte ära. See oli päris hea kinnistus neuropsühholoogiale üllataval kombel. Esimene koht, kus mulle näidatakse, mis on Korsakoffi sündroom, mitte ei öelda.
Huvitav lugemine. :)

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 19:56


2014 9789949949601.jpg

Elu pärast surma

Airika Harrik

Kuupäev: 23.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 344

Sisu: „Elu pärast surma” on eduka noore kirjaniku Airika Harriku (sündinud 1995) triloogia viimane osa. Esimeses osas „Iseenda laps” oli jutustajaks ulmeliste sündmuste keskmesse sattunud Tallinna koolitüdruk Annika. Teises osas kirjeldati sündmusi tema Valvurist sõbranna Akiira pilgu läbi. Ka kolmas osa pole erand.
Seekord viib autor lugeja uute ja vanade müstiliste tegelaste, fantastiliste seikluste ja ajas rändamise abil nii Maale, Taevasse, Põrgusse kui ka Kuule. Ära käiakse ka Lõuna-Ameerikas ja Vana-Egiptuses – paikades, mida autor isegi meelsasti võimalusel külastaks. Igav sellel peadpööritaval retkel kindlasti ei hakka.

Katkendid: Ja ähvardasin teda ennast pea võrra lühemaks teha, kui ta Anca õnne takistab. Et aga Anca eelistas oma isa pead siiski viimase õlgadel näha, lubasin tulevase äiapapa kõigest asumisele saata.

"Mõrtsukas ja see Valvuriplika abielluvad? Nad armusid küll ootamatult."
"Lollpea, see on teater. Puhas teater! Ja meie lisame end nüüd esinejate nimekirja."

"Mis kaine meelel, see joobnu keelel."

Arvamus: Endiselt on kogu loo põhiidee minu jaoks ulmeline (kuidas selle peale tulla?), aga tegelikult pole sel viga midagi. Kirjutada Harrik oskab, kuigi natukene jääb endiselt toimetamise poole peal vajaka ja kuigi ma näen paralleele enda ja tema kirjutamisstiilide vahel, ei istu tema oma mulle vahepeal kohe üldse nende samade paralleelide pärast - vihje iseendale? (Kõik need sulud jms asjad.)
Veel oleks tahtnud, et oleks kuidagi selgemalt eraldatud, kui ellegi teise POVi jutt läks. Siin ei saanud vahepeal tükk aega aru, kes nüüd räägib. Oleks siis kas kordamööda või midagi, aga suvaliste proportsioonidega ja vahepeal isegi täiesti lambised tegelased.
Lõpu enda kohta... eks ta ilus ole. Ma kahjuks väga eelmist raamatut ei mäleta - Martini surm oli vapsee ununenud ja ma ei saanud aru, kuidas sai Martin Mortheni reincarnation olla, kui Morthen elas... oh well.
Eluks ajaks see lugemiskogemus mulle küll meelde ei jää, aga hea teada, et Eestis selline semi-decent asi välja antud selles ¾anris. :) See ajavärk oli vahepeal segane ja vahepeal see, et Annika nagu oli (väliselt) segaduses, meeldib talle siis nüüd Ragnar või Martin...? Üldiselt leian, et Ragnaril pold suurt mõtet loos. Oh well.

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:01


2014 Z

Time's Twisted Arrow

Autor: Rysa Walker

Kuupäev: 24.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 351

Sisu: When Kate Pierce-Keller’s grandmother gives her a strange blue medallion and speaks of time travel, sixteen-year-old Kate assumes the old woman is delusional. But it all becomes horrifyingly real when a murder in the past destroys the foundation of Kate’s present-day life. Suddenly, that medallion is the only thing protecting Kate from blinking out of existence.

Kate learns that the 1893 killing is part of something much more sinister, and Kate’s genetic ability to time-travel makes her the only one who can stop him. Risking everything, she travels to the Chicago World’s Fair to try to prevent the killing and the chain of events that follows.

Changing the timeline comes with a personal cost, however—if Kate succeeds, the boy she loves will have no memory of her existence. And regardless of her motives, does she have the right to manipulate the fate of the entire world?

Katkendid: And she didn't look ill. A bit tired, maybe. Sick? Not so much.
Mom apparently agreed. "Hello, Mother. You're looking surprisingly well."
"Don't scold me, Deborah. I didn't say I was going to expire before the end of the week."

"Do you have a lot of books?" I asked.
Dad snorted as he slathered some cream cheese on his bagel. "Kahterine's collection puts Amazon to shame."

"You cannot hide from your heart, Kate. It always finds you."

Arvamus: Mm. Meeldis. See oli üldiselt väga huvitav - kuigi lõpuks lihtsalt liiga keeruline - lugu ajas rändamisest. Mulle meeldis kogu selle asja ülesehitus ja ajas rändamise printsiibid. Meeldis, et oli palju aega pühendatud siiski sellele tehnilisele poolele, mitte armastusele. Oleksin tahtnud näha PALJU ROHKEM Kiernanit, kes tundus juba esimesest korrast huvitav ja jätkas oma backstoryga huvitav olemist. Selle asemel lugesin aga palju palju Treyst ja kuigi tal pole midagi viga, siis pole ta midagi erilist ka. Ma lihtsalt ei hoolinud ei temast ega tema suhtest Kate'iga üldse. Vbl oli nende tutvumine liiga wuut ja kiirustatud, kuid jah... Järgmist osa tahan kindlasti kunagi lugeda. :)

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:07


2014 2Q==

The Princess Bride

Autor: William Goldman


Lehekülgede arv: 496

What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be...well...a lot less than the man of her dreams?

As a boy, William Goldman claims, he loved to hear his father read the S. Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. But as a grown-up he discovered that the boring parts were left out of good old Dad's recitation, and only the "good parts" reached his ears.

Now Goldman does Dad one better. He's reconstructed the "Good Parts Version" to delight wise kids and wide-eyed grownups everywhere.

What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Beasties Monstrous and Gentle. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, Miracles, and a Little Sex.

In short, it's about everything.

When I was twenty-six, my first novel,The Temple of Gold, was published by Alfred A. Knopf. (Which is now part of Random House which is now part of R.C.A. which is just part of what’s wrong with publishing in America today which is not part of this story. )

“Listen, Jason,” I told him. “We thought about giving you a bike for your birthday but we decided against it.”
“Boy, are you wrong, I got one already.”
Jason has inherited his mother’s total lack of humor. I don’t know; maybe he’s funny and I’m not. We just don’t laugh much together is all I can say for sure.

You had to admire a guy who called his own new book a classic before it was published and anyone else had a chance to read it. Maybe he figured if he didn’t do it, nobody would, or maybe he was just trying to give the reviewers a helping hand; I don’t know.

And some of them would ask after Westley, which was a mistake unless you happened to have a lot of spare time, because when someone asked Buttercup how Westley was—well, she told them.

He walked like a crab, side to side, and probably if he had wanted to be a ballet dancer, he would have been doomed to a miserable life of endless frustration. But he didn’t want to be a ballet dancer. He wasn’t in that much of a hurry to be king either.

“I am your Prince and you will marry me,” Humperdinck said.
Buttercup whispered, “I am your servant and I refuse.”
“I am your Prince and you cannot refuse.”
“I am your loyal servant and I just did.”
“Refusal means death.”
“Kill me then.”
“I am your Prince and I’m not that bad—how could you rather be dead than married to me?”
“Because,” Buttercup said, “marriage involves love, and that is not a pastime at which I excel. I tried once, and it went badly, and I am sworn never to love another.”

But from a narrative point of view, in 105 pages nothing happens. Except this: ‘What with one thing and another, three years passed.’

Love is many things, none of them logical.

“But I don’t think you would accept my help, since I’m only waiting up here so that I can kill you.”
“That does put a damper on our relationship,” the man in black said then.

“But you wouldn’t have ever known I was going to kill you if I hadn’t been the one to tell you. Doesn’t that let you know I can be trusted?”

This was in the middle of Greenland, and, as everybody knows, Greenland then as now was the loneliest place on the Earth. In Greenland, there is one person for every twenty square miles of real estate. Probably the circus was pretty stupid taking a booking there, but that wasn’t the point.
The point was that Fezzik was alone.
In the loneliest place in the world.

“Now what happens?” asked the man in black.
“We face each other as God intended,” Fezzik said. “No tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone.”
“You mean you’ll put down your rock and I’ll put down my sword and we’ll try to kill each other like civilized people, is that it?”

“You think this is a trap, then?” the Count asked.
“I always think everything is a trap until proven otherwise,” the Prince answered. “Which is why I’m still alive.”

(At this point in the story, my wife wants it known that she feels violently cheated, not being allowed the scene of reconciliation on the ravine floor between the lovers. My reply to her is simply this: (a) each of God’s beings, from the lowliest on up, is entitled to at least a few moments of genuine privacy. (b) What actually was spoken, while moving enough to those involved at the actual time, flattens like toothpaste when transferred to paper for later reading: “my dove,” “my only,” “bliss, bliss,” et cetera.)

Westley sighed. “What I was trying to get through to you, beloved sweet; what I was, as a matter of accurate fact, shouting with everything I had left, was: ‘Whatever you do, stay up there! Don’t come down here! Please!’“
“You didn’t want to see me.”
“Of course I wanted to see you. I just didn’t want to see you down here .”

“Do you think we should follow them?”
The Prince shook his head. “They’ll either live or die in there. If they die, I have no wish to join them. If they live, I’ll greet them on the other side.”

The wrong people die, some of them, and the reason is this: life is not fair.

Before we begin, I want you to answer me this: have you any complaints about your treatment thus far?”
“None whatever,” Westley replied, and in truth he had none. Oh, he might have preferred being unchained a bit now and then, but if you were to be a captive, you couldn’t ask for more than he had been given.

You hurry a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.

“I have no key,” Yellin replied. “I swear on the grave of my parents; may my mother’s soul forever sizzle in torment if I am lying.”
“Tear his arms off,” Westley said to Fezzik, who was sizzling a bit himself now, because there was a limit as to just how long a holocaust cloak was really good for, and he wanted to strip a bit, but before he did that, he reached for Yellin’s arms.
“This key you mean?” Yellin said, and he dropped it.

By 5:48, Buttercup felt quite sure she would be dead. It was still a minute before that as she stood staring at the Prince’s knives. The most lethal looked to be the one most used, the Florinese dagger. Pointed at one end, it entered easily, growing into a triangular shape by the hilt. For quicker bleeding, it was said. They were made in varying sizes, and the Prince’s looked to be one of the largest, being wrist thick where it joined the handle. She pulled it from the wall, put it to her heart.
“There are always too few perfect breasts in this world; leave yours alone,” she heard. And there was Westley on the bed. It was 5:48, and she knew that she would never die.

Arvamus: See raamat on nii delightfully over-the-top, et seda on raske mitte armastada. Samas on see sama over-the-top olemine põhjus, miks ma sellest raamatust väga vaimustusse ei saa sattuda. Aga tegu on ikkagi ju muinasjutuga, nii et selle võib vast loole andeks anda.
Aga see oli lihtsalt nii... tore lugu kõigest. Kogu aeg juhtus midagi - ei olnud igav ei tegelastel ega minul endal. Ja tõesti, see raamat on immensely quoteful. :) Raamat on mõnusalt üles ehitatud ja need vahemärkused olid väga lõbusad ning ei häirinud üldse, et loost korraks eemale kisti. Tore tore tore raamat!

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:11


2014 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdJS6sYEL_SS5yfgjI3zY1DM1Ttk1xGac3-_O1b_DTrOAGhMaq

Pivot Point

Autor: Kasie West

Kuupäev: 25.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 343

Sisu: Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier . . .

Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.

In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through . . . and who she can’t live without.

Katkendid: If he's going to start coming around more, I need to find some flaws to focus on. I study him for a moment but come up empty. He's flawless. Not even a single zit. New strategy. I will not look at him.

Arvamus: Mulle meeldis. See oli originaalne. Mulle meeldis maailma ülesehitus ja need võimed kõigi oma ägedate ja piiravamate pooltega. Tegelased olid huvitavad ja reaalsed, pluss armastus ja poisid, kuigi kesksel kohal, ei olnud loos ainult selleks, et nende üle ilastada. Meeldis, meeldis, meeldis.

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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:15


2014 Anne+frank

Anne Franki päevik

Autor: Anne Frank

Kuupäev: 27.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 340

Sisu: Anne Frank oli täiesti tavaline tüdruk, kes sündis 1929. aastal Frankfurdis. Kui Saksamaal tuli võimule Hitler, evakueerus Frankide pere Hollandisse. Saksamaa okupeeris Hollandi 1940. aastal ning Anne Franki võrdlemisi muretu lapsepõlv sai läbi ja pere oli sunnitud surmahirmus peituma.

Anne Frank pidas päevikut 1942. aasta 12. juunist 1944. aasta 1. augustini. Päevik ilmus raamatuna 1947. aastal ning praeguseks on see tõlgitud vähemalt 60 keelde ja on üks maailma tuntumaid päevikuid. «Anne Franki päevik» on liigutav kirjeldus ühest mõtlemapanevast ajastust, ajaloorataste vahele sattunud tavalise perekonna kroonika. Ning lugu katkenud lapsepõlvest.

Katkendid: Võin sulle öelda üht: kui tahad inimest põhjalikult tundma õppida, pead temaga tülitsema.

Mida kauem see kestab, seda vähem sallivad siin kõik üksteist. Laua ääres ei julge keegi suud lahti teha (välja arvatud muidugi söömiseks).

Ma olen sentimentaalne, tean seda. Samuti tean ma, et olen meeleheitel ning ebamõistlik.

Täna on Tema Kuningliku Kõrguse, kroonprintsess Elisabeth of Yorki 18. sünnipäev. BBC-s öeldi, et teda ei tunnistata veel täisealiseks, nagu see muidu on sageli vürstilaste juures kombeks. Arutasime, millisele printsile ta kord mehele pannakse, ei leidnud aga sobivat.

Arvamus: Hämmastav. Väga hästi kirjutatud raamat, kuigi Anne seda ise ei teadnud. Huvitav oli, kuidas ta vahepeal rääkis sellest, mis tunne oleks seda hiljem lugeda ja et ta tahaks omal moel igavesti elada. Ta oli nii noor, ja kuigi nähtavalt pubekas, oli ta samas nii arukas! Eks oma töö tegi ka tema tollane olukord.

Hinne: 5/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:19

2014 2Q==

The Book of Lost Things

Autor: John Connolly

Kuupäev: 27.01.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 348

Sisu: High in his attic bedroom, twelve-year-old David mourns the death of his mother, with only the books on his shelf for company. But those books have begun to whisper to him in the darkness. Angry and alone, he takes refuge in his imagination and soon finds that reality and fantasy have begun to meld. While his family falls apart around him, David is violently propelled into a world that is a strange reflection of his own -- populated by heroes and monsters and ruled by a faded king who keeps his secrets in a mysterious book, The Book of Lost Things.

Taking readers on a vivid journey through the loss of innocence into adulthood and beyond, New York Times bestselling author John Connolly tells a dark and compelling tale that reminds us of the enduring power of stories in our lives.

Once upon a time - for that is how all stories should begin - there was a boy who lost his mother.
He had, in truth, been losing her for a very long time. The disease that was killing her was a creeping, cowardly thing, a sickness that ate away at her from the inside, slowly consuming the light within so that her eyes grew a little less bright with each passing day, and her skin a little more pale.

She looked familiar to David, and it emerged that she was the administrator of the not-quite-hospital in which his mother had died. His father told David that Rose had looked after his mother really, really well, although not, David thought, well enough to keep her from dying.

David explained that without slates on the roof, the rain would get in. In their way, they were just as important as walls. Dr Moberley asked David ig he was afraid of the rain getting in. David told him that he didn't like getting wet. It wasn't so bad outside, especially if you were dressed for it, but most people didn't dress for rain indoors.

Eventually the Woodsman spoke. "We all have our routines," he said softly. "But they must have a purpose and provide an outcome that we can see and take some comfort from, or else they have no use at all. Without that, they are like the endless pacings of a caged animal. If they are not madness itself, then they are a prelude to it."

"They ate her," said Brother Number One. "With porridge. That's what "ran away and was never seen again" means in these parts. It means "eaten"."
"Um, and what about "happily ever after"?" asked David, a little uncertainly. "What does that mean?"
"Eaten quickly," said Brother Number One.

"Each of us has only one life to live, and one life to give. There is no glory in throwing it away where there is no hope."

"But I feared the death of others. I did not want to lose them, and I worried about them while they were alive. Sometimes, I think that I concerned myself so much with the possibility of their loss that I never truly took pleasure in the fact of their existence."

She was night without the promise of dawn, darkness without hope of light.

Olin haaratud esimesest lausest. See kirjutamine oli lihtsalt maagiline, ja viis, kuidas juba teisel leheküljel suutis autor meile nii delikaatselt selgitada suurt osa peategelase olemusest - tema OCD.
See oleks nagu lasteraamat, aga ma ei laseks oma lastel seda lugeda. (Mitte enne kui nad vähemalt mingi 15-16 on.) Algab see küllalt ilusti ja mahedalt, kuigi tragöödiaga - peategelase ema surmaga. Aga kui David teise maailma läheb, keerab asi üha rohkem ja rohkem ära. Muinasjutud on keeratud pea peale ja asi on lihtsalt... gory. Laste pooleksraiumine ja loomadega ühitamine, poegiva koletise ja tema laste põlemapistmine...
Raamat jättis kuidagi.... veidra tunde sisse. Ma ei suuda sellele näppu peale panna. See oli jube ja hirmus ja samas lõpus kuidagi südamlik, aga traagiline... Lugu oli väga tempokas, aga lõpp oli väga kiirustatud muljega, mis on ka esialgu minu ainukene etteheide sellele raamatule. See, pluss ma siiralt loodan, et magama jääda suudan.

Hinne: 4/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:26


2014 Z

I Am Malala

Autor: Malala Yousafzai, Christina Lamb

Kuupäev: 02.02.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 327

I come from a country that was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday.

When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education.

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head at point-blank range while riding the bus home from school, and few expected her to survive.

Instead, Malala's miraculous recovery has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote valley in northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. At sixteen, she has become a global symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest nominee ever for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I Am Malala is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls' education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.

I Am Malala will make you believe in the power of one person's voice to inspire change in the world.

Katkendid: We thought speaking in English meant you were more intelligent. We were wrong, of course. It does not matter what language you choose, the important thing is the words you use to express yourself.

Some people are afraid of ghosts, some of spiders or snakes - in those days we were afraid of our fellow human beings.

Arvamus: Uskumatult põnev raamat. Malala elu kõrval sai palju teada ka Pakistanist. Malala oli õnnega koos selles osas, milline pere (ja eelkõige isa) tal on. Uskumatu, kui varajases eas ta juba asju mõistma hakkas. Vana inimene 7aastase kehas. Ja et tal ka julgust oli!
Väärt lugemine.

Hinne: 5/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:30


2014 Z


Joanne Harris


Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: Maddy Smith, kes sündis käel roostekarva ruunikujuline märk, on oma külas terve elu tõrjutud olnud. Sest Malbry rahvas usub, et rusumärk on vanade jumalate sümbol, võluväe märk. Ja see, nagu kõik teavad, viib otse kaosesse. On ohtlik.
Kuid Maddyle meeldib võlukunst, kuigi tal seda tavaliselt vaid mõne kiusliku mäekolli ohjamiseks kasutada õnnestub. Ja iga kord, kui tema parim sõber – päevavargast väljasmaalane, keda Ükssilmaks kutsutakse – teda vaatama tuleb, räägib ta tüdrukule üha rohkem vanadest aegadest: jumalatest ja loitsudest, ruunidest ja võlukunstist.
Nüüd on Ükssilm jälle tagasi ja tahab, et Maddy avaks Punase Hobuse mäe ning Allmaale laskuks, et leida vanade jumalate kadunud reliikvia. Kui ta seda ei tee, võib saabuda kõige lõpp. Jälle...
Fantastiline ruunimärul viib lugeja otse vanade Põhjala lugude südamesse: metsik, ohtlik, tohutult leidlik ja fantaasiast pakatav.

Inglise kirjanik Joanne Harris (sünd 1964) sai juba oma esimese romaaniga «Kurjuse seeme» (Evil Seed, 1989) kriitikutelt palju kiita. Kolmas romaan «©okolaad» (Chocolat, 1999) tõi koheselt maailmakuulsuse – tänaseks on see ilmunud juba 40 riigis – ja selle järgi valminud samanimeline film, milles mängisid Juliette Binoche ja Johnny Depp – kandideeris mitmele Oscarile. Eesti keeles on peale «©okolaadi» ilmunud veel «Viis neljandikku apelsini» (Five quarters of the Orange).
Tema raamatud on võitnud mitmeid Briti ja rahvusvahelisi auhindu.

Katkend: Teise inimese tapmiseks läheb vaja erilist vaprust.

Okei. See ei olnud otseselt halb raamat, aga mulle ei meeldinud. Tõlge tundus hea olevat. Üldiselt... natukene kirju oli kogu see kupatus. Ja mulle jäi mulje, et see raamat tahtis vägisi äge olla; eriti mis dialoogi puudutas. Selline mitte kuigi heade onelinerite sadu ja üksteisele ärapanemine oli. Ei tundunud mitte üks teps loomulikuna.
Sisu juures plusspunkt, et mütoloogiaga oli hästi ümber käidud ja Maddyl polnud love interesti isegi mitte! Kudos. Very Happy
Aga üldiselt oli meh. Usun, et ununeb päris kähku.

Hinne: 2/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:37


2014 Z

Split Second

Kasie West

Kuupäev: 14.02.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 360

Sisu: Life can change in a split second.

Addie hardly recognizes her life since her parents divorced. Her boyfriend used her. Her best friend betrayed her. She can’t believe this is the future she chose. On top of that, her ability is acting up. She’s always been able to Search the future when presented with a choice. Now she can manipulate and slow down time, too . . . but not without a price.

When Addie’s dad invites her to spend her winter break with him, she jumps at the chance to escape into the Norm world of Dallas, Texas. There she meets the handsome and achingly familiar Trevor. He’s a virtual stranger to her, so why does her heart do a funny flip every time she sees him? But after witnessing secrets that were supposed to stay hidden, Trevor quickly seems more suspicious of Addie than interested in her. And she has an inexplicable desire to change that.

Meanwhile, her best friend, Laila, has a secret of her own: she can restore Addie’s memories . . . once she learns how. But there are powerful people who don’t want to see this happen. Desperate, Laila tries to manipulate Connor, a brooding bad boy from school—but he seems to be the only boy in the Compound immune to her charms. And the only one who can help her.

As Addie and Laila frantically attempt to retrieve the lost memories, Addie must piece together a world she thought she knew before she loses the love she nearly forgot . . . and a future that could change everything.

“Yeah. It would be nice to have a new face around. A friend who’s mine and not one I share with Trevor. Maybe you can help me buffer some of the awkwardness.”
I laughed. “I’m not a very good awkwardness buffer. I kind of create awkwardness.”
“Even better.”

"I'm the muscle," Duke said. "You really want me to wait at the van with this guy?"
"Who assigned you as the muscle?" I asked.
"My biceps did."

Arvamus: Meeldis. See oli reaalne (as much as a para book can be). Ei olnud tetraalsust ega ebausutavaid tegelasi. Ükski storyline polnud üle võlli keeratud.
Meeldis, et see raamat loo ilusti kokku võttis ja ära lõpetas. Huvitav oli jälgida nende võimete arengut ja Compoundi bürokraatia täideviimist. Meeldis, et Stephanie selles versioonis ka mõrd ei olnud (enamus ajast) - kõik oleneb ju olukorras ja tegelikult on ta ju tore inimene.
Vastu hakkas kõige enam see lause, et "They forgot how to breathe!" No leia lolli. See on alateadlik tegevus. Instinktid. Selle loogika alusel oleks nende süda ka löömise lõpetama pidanud.
Altogether a decent book. :)

Hinne: 4/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:42


2014 2Q==


Autor: Margaret Atwood


Lehekülgede arv: 186

Sisu: Part detective novel, part psychological thriller, "Surfacing" is the story of a talented woman artist who goes in search of her missing father on a remote island in northern Quebec. Setting out with her lover and another young couple, she soon finds herself captivated by the isolated setting, where a marriage begins to fall apart, violence and death lurk just beneath the surface, and sex becomes a catalyst for conflict and dangerous choices. "Surfacing" is a work permeated with an aura of suspense, complex with layered meanings, and written in brilliant, diamond-sharp prose. Here is a rich mine of ideas from an extraordinary writer about contemporary life and nature, families and marriage, and about women fragmented...and becoming whole.

Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.

A divorce is like an amputation, you survive, but there is less of you.

You shouldn't define yourself by your job but by who you are.

If he had a rock he would throw it.

Mm. Meeldisid kirjeldused. Saime minategelasest läbi mälestuste ja mõtete hea pildi. Ülesehitus oli taaskord natukene omamoodi - mingi aeg oli jälle raske aru saada, kas tegu mineviku või olevikuga. Minategelast ennast ma aga ei sallinud. (Mis ei tähenda, et ta halvasti kirjutatud!) Lihtsalt emotsionaalselt oli ta üpriski alaarenenud/kibestunud/ükskõikne/tuim. Take your pick. Vastik lugeda sellisest inimesest.

Hinne: 3/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:51


2014 9k=

How to Fall in Love

Cecilia Ahern


Lehekülgede arv: 400

Sisu: She has just two weeks. Two weeks to teach him how to fall in love – with his own life.

Adam Basil and Christine Rose are thrown together late one night, when Christine is crossing the Halfpenny Bridge in Dublin. Adam is there, poised, threatening to jump. Adam is desperate – but Christine makes a crazy deal with him. His 35th birthday is looming and she bets him she can show him that life is worth living before then.

Despite her determination, Christine knows what a dangerous promise she’s made. Against the ticking of the clock, the two of them embark on wild escapades, grand romantic gestures and some unlikely late-night outings. Slowly, Christine thinks Adam is starting to fall back in love with his life.

But has she done enough to change his mind for good? And is that all that’s starting to happen?

Katkendid: But where pain was, healing would come; where loneliness was, new relationships could be formed; where rejection was, new love could be found.

"Yes, we have a winner!" He held a book in the air. "Sixty-six Ways To Solve Your Money Problems. Sixty-six? I know just one: go to work."

They say that lightning never strikes twice. Untrue. Well, it's true that people say it; it's just not true as a fact.

Arvamus: Hm. See oli selline mõnus kerge vaheldus esimesele kevadkooli nädalale, mil on loetud lugematute lehekülgede kaupa kirjanduslikke artikleid. Aju puhkas kohe.
Loo idee tundus/on hea. Aga noh... tegu naistekaga. Kohati kiskus asi väga utoopiliseks: sõbranna ema suri, Adami isa suri, Christine segas vahele kahele enesetapukatsele nädala jooksul, selle politseiniku tütar üritas end tappa, Christine'i ema tappiski end (kui ta väike oli). Väga tõsine sisu. Aga ma ei tajunud seda tõsisena, mis tegi asja ebareaalseks.
Lahendus oli liiga lihtne. Adam järsku tahtis pere äri, nemad Mariaga ikka ei olnud üksteisele loodud jms. Aga jah, tunneksin end rohkem petetuna, kui tõesti midagi mindblowingut oodanud oleksin.
Kirjutamise enda poole pealt - ilusad pikad kirjeldused, mis aga üldse mitte asjasse puutuda ei tahtnud. Ja see storyline, kus ta sõber oma pärisvanemaid otsima hakkas, unustati ka ära.

Hinne: 3/5
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Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 20:56


2014 Whererainbowsend

Where Rainbows End

Autor: Cecilia Ahern

Kuupäev: 24.02.2014

Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: From naughty children to rebellious teenagers, Rosie and Alex have stuck by each other through thick and thin. But just as as they're discovering the joys of teenage nights on the town and dating disasters, they're separated. Alex's family move from Dublin to America - and Alex goes with them. For good.

Rosie's lost without him. But on the eve of her departure to join Alex in Boston, Rosie gets news that will change her life forever - and keep her at home in Ireland.

their magical connection sees them through the ups and downs of each others lives, but neither of them knows whether their friendship can survive the years and miles - or new relationships. And at the back of Rosie's mind is whether they were meant to be more than just good friends all along. Misunderstandings, circumstances and sheer bad luck have kept them apart, but when presented with the ultimate opportunity, will they gamble everything for true love?


The child wears lipstick now, Alex. Pink, glossy, glittery lipstick. She wears glitter on her eyes, glitter on her cheeks, and glitter in her hair; I am raising a disco ball for a daughter.

As for what’s-his-name! Doesn’t he have a supportive bone in his body? I suppose he doesn’t, not having a spine and all . . .

So I left my wonderfully intelligent family and soaked myself in the bath and considered drowning myself. Then I remembered I still had chocolate cake left over from yesterday so I came back up for air. Some things are worth living for.

So you’re pissed off because she’s not moving to Boston now, because the father of her child, who she hasn’t seen for thirteen years, has come back and wants to get to know Katie?
Jesus Christ. Who writes your scripts?

Arvamus: Mulle meeldis mõte/idee selle raamatu taga. Ja kui vead kõrvale jätta, oli teostus küllaltki hea. Kõigest toimuvast said hea tervikliku üldpildi ja kui vahel midagi puudu jäigi, see ei häirinud, sest niimoodi tundus kogu see kirjavahetus palju reaalsem.
Aga Ahernil on hädasti head toimetajat vaha. Ma ei suutnud kuidagi aastaid paika loksutada, sest nett oli olemas juba siis, kui nad mingi 10 ja kui Rosie oli mingi 40, pidi INTERNETIKOHVIKUS maksma neti eest. Wuuut?
Rosie ja Katie vanusevahe liikus ka vahepeal.
Lugu ise... mis siina öelda. Armas. Südamlik. Ja frustreeriv, et pidi ootama, kuni nad 50. Elu on vahest ikka nii loll. Very Happy
Ja kas see oli väärt aastaid ootamist? Natukene. Oleksin aga nooremana kindlasti rohkem nautinud.

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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime23/4/2014, 21:01


2014 9k=

The Handmaid's Tale

Margaret Atwood


Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the years before, when she lived and made love with her husband, Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now...

Katkendid: All you have to do, I told myself, is keep your mouth shut and look stupid. It shouldn't be that hard.

The world is full of weapons if you're looking for them.

Arvamus: Huvitav sisu ja idee, aga ma arvan, et julgen öelda, et Atwood meeldib mulle. Tema teostes on alati mingi huvitav motiiv või kiiks või midagi enamatki. Mulle meeldivad tema naistegelased - targad ja tugevad. Jutumärkideta kahekõne mõkjub endiselt kuidagi... nagu oleks see jutt, mida näeme, kuidagi salastatud ja me oleme õnnelikud, et seda viivu näeme.
Tõesti oma ajast ees kirjanik. :)

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:07


2014 Taming-shrew-william-shakespeare-paperback-cover-art

The Taming of the Shrew

Autor: William Shakespeare


Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: Renowned as Shakespeare's most boisterous comedy, The Taming of the Shrew is the tale of two young men, the hopeful Lucentio and the worldly Petruchio, and the two sisters they meet in Padua.

Lucentio falls in love with Bianca, the apparently ideal younger daughter of the wealthy Baptista Minola. But before they can marry, Bianca's formidable elder sister, Katherine, must be wed. Petruchio, interested only in the huge dowry, arranges to marry Katherine -against her will- and enters into a battle of the sexes that has endured as one of Shakespeare's most enjoyable works.


GRE. A husband! a devil.
HOR. I say, a husband.
GRE. I say, a devil. Thinkest thou, Hortensio, though her father be very rich, any man is so very fool to be married to hell?

VIN. Art thou his father?
PED. Ay, sir; so his mother says, if I may believe her.

KAT. My tongue will tell the anger of my heart
or else my heart, concealing it, will break.

Arvamus: Esiteks tuletan endale meelde, et nägin seda lugu esmakordses esituses balletina. Ja oi kui hea see oli! Lõbus ja naljakas ja... välja arvatud siis see osa, kus sisu tänapäeval elavale noorele naisele vastu hakkab.
Samas on tegu siiski oma aja teosega, nii et seda ma väga talle ette heita ei taha. Seda vanaaegset kõnemaneeri oli alguses raske jälgida, siis harjus ära. Näidend ise mulle meeldis ja asi minu arust hästi kirjutatud, nii et (Y).

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:11


2014 N311368


Autor: Joy Kogawa

Kuupäev: 22.03.2014

Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: A powerful and passionate novel, Obasan tells, through the eyes of a child, the moving story of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. Naomi is a sheltered and beloved five-year-old when Pearl Harbor changes her life. Separated from her mother, she watches bewildered as she and her family become enemy aliens, persecuted and despised in their own land. Surrounded by hardship and pain, Naomi is protected by the resolute endurance of her aunt Obasan and the silence of those around her. Only after Naomi grows up does she return to question the haunting silence.


The language of her grief is silence. She has learned it well, its idioms, its nuances. Over the years, silence within her small body has grown large and powerful.

"Everyone someday dies."

But we are trapped, Obasan and I, by our memories of the dead - all our dead - these who refuse to bury themselves.

Arvamus: Oeh. Raske teema. Valus oli lugeda, kuidas neid koheldi, kuigi nad ise pidasid end lihtsalt kanadalasteks. Ja see, kuidas Naomi küsis ja küsis ja harva vastuseid sai. Ja ulme, et nii suure kaliibriga asi on nii hästi maha vaikitud. Mulle meeldis, kuidas Naomi kõigele halvale vaatamata keeldus olemast ohver. (Those with most difficulties are the most silent.)

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:19


2014 1048355

The Robber Bride

Margaret Atwood

Kuupäev: 26.03.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 564

This is the wise, unsettling, drastic story of three women whose lives share a common wound: Zenia, a woman they first met as university students in the sixties. Zenia is smart and beautiful, by turns manipulative, vulnerable and irresistible. She has entered into their separate lives to ensnare their sympathy, betray their trust, and exploit their weaknesses. Now Zenia, thought dead, has suddenly reappeared.

In this richly layered narrative, Atwood skilfully evokes the decades of the past as she retraces three women's lives, until we are back in the present, where it is yet to be discovered whether Zenia's "pure, free-wheeling malevolence" can still wreak havoc.

The Robber Bride reports from the farthest reaches of the sex wars and is one of Margaret Atwood's most intricate and subversive novels yet.


A disaster is a disaster; those hurt by it remain hurt, those killed remain killed, the rubble remains rubble.

For a soldier in the eve of battle, ignorance is the same as hope. Though neither is bliss.

And yes, they are pretty good together. Sometimes. Still. So she beams at him and returns the squeeze, and thinks they are as happy as can be. They are. They are as happy as they can be, given who they are. Though if they'd been different people, they might have been happier.

Arvamus: Äkki mulle istuvad Atwoodi pikemad teosed rohkem? Sest ma armastan seda raamatut! See oli väga hästi kirjutatud (armastan kirjeldusi!) ja huvitav. Vbl on mulle lihtsalt alati teiste eludesse piilumine meeldinud. Need naised olid nii erinevad ja tulid oma omapärasustega igaüks ilusti indiviidina välja. Raamat pani paljude asjade üle järele mõtlema (elu, surm, suhted, lapsed, raha, valetamine ja miks inimesed seda teevad, eriti nii suurel skaalal, lapsepõlvetraumad jms). Väga paljud teemad olid kajastatud.
Ainult ühte asja heidan peategelastele ette (eriti) - muidu suhteliselt tugevad ja iseseisvad inimesed, aga miks, kurat, nad neid mehi kuu peale ei saatnud? (Ja siis hakkab põhjuste laviin tulema; armastus, turvalisus, hirmu üksilduse ees; omaenda healthy-ish pereelu, mis endal väiksena puudus jne.)
Aga hea lugemine.

Hinne: 4/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

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PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:24


2014 Bc-wintergirls


Autor: Laurie Halse Anderson

Kuupäev: 28.03.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 278

Sisu: “Dead girl walking,” the boys say in the halls.
“Tell us your secret,” the girls whisper, one toilet to another.
I am that girl.
I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.
I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.

Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the skinniest. But what comes after size zero and size double-zero? When Cassie succumbs to the demons within, Lia feels she is being haunted by her friend’s restless spirit.

In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the multiple-award-winning Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson explores Lia’s descent into the powerful vortex of anorexia, and her painful path toward recovery.


Lesson learned. Driving requires fuel.

Cassie thought heaven was a fairy tale for stupid people. How can you find a place you don’t believe in? You can’t. So where does she go now? What if she comes back, eyes on angryfire?

“You don’t look fine.” She jots down my numbers. “If you’re going to stay here, you have to get something in your system. If you don’t, it’s back to class.”
Do I want to die from the inside out or the outside in?

She smiles. “Okay. I think there are some chips left, if you’re hungry.”
I roll up the window. I wish I had cancer.
I will burn in hell for that, but it’s true.

(Who wants to recover? It took me years to get that tiny. I wasn’t sick; I was strong.)

People at school are saying that Cassie died of a heroin overdose. I’m not sure if I should tell the truth. Is it better to be known as the girl who died with a needle in her arm, or the girl who broke herself by puking too hard?

I’m angry that I starved my brain and that I sat shivering in my bed at night instead of dancing or reading poetry or eating ice cream or kissing a boy or maybe a girl with gentle lips and strong hands.

Idee oli hea. Teostus kohati jah, kohati ei.
Mulle meeldis, kuidas Lia pidevalt nt kaloreid arvestas. Ja et ta kõike seda teadis. Ja see oli reaalne, kuidas ta oma mõtteviisist kinni hoidis. Aga nt siis, kui ta bakesale'il murdus, ei tundnud ta minu arust hiljem üldse piisavalt süümekaid. Ja see eventual recovery oli ka liiga äkitsene minu arust, aga oh well...
Ja ma olen õnnelik, et see kutt lõpuks Lia's reason for recovery in the obvious way polnud. See oleks kli¹ee olnud.
Nii et all in all a good book with its faults.

Hinne: 3/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:30


2014 2Q==

The Corpse Walker: Realis Life Stories, China from Bottom Up

Liao Yiwu

Kuupäev: 04.04.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 328

Sisu: The Corpse Walker introduces us to regular men and women at the bottom of Chinese society, most of whom have been battered by life but have managed to retain their dignity: a professional mourner, a human trafficker, a public toilet manager, a leper, a grave robber, and a Falung Gong practitioner, among others. By asking challenging questions with respect and empathy, Liao Yiwu managed to get his subjects to talk openly and sometimes hilariously about their lives, desires, and vulnerabilities, creating a book that is an instance par excellence of what was once upon a time called “The New Journalism.” The Corpse Walker reveals a fascinating aspect of modern China, describing the lives of normal Chinese citizens in ways that constantly provoke and surprise.


HUANG: Nowadays, people are more poisonous than snakes or scorpions.

HUANG: A boy and a girl sing to each other from separate mountain peaks all night long. It is like a contest. If the boy can defeat the girl, she will be his.

LI: The pursuit of freedom is the hardest thing in this world. In China, if you are dying of hunger, nobody gives a damn. But when you try to move to a new place to find food for yourself and look for a change of lifestyle, someone will immediately bounce and arrest you.

Arvamus: Öeldakse, et kui sa loed raamatuid, elad tuhat elu. Well... ainuüksi seda raamatut lugedes on tunne, et elad tuhat elu.
Wow. Lihtsalt wow. Kogum intervjuusid. Lihtsate inimestega. Elukogenus inimestega. Kannatanutega, piinajatega, heade ja halbade inimestega. Kõigil oma lood,
Vahepeal oli raamat minu kui lääne lugeja jaoks absurdne, siis traagiline. Lihtsalt uskumatu, kuidas elu vahel olla võib.

Hinne: 5/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

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PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:37


2014 9780062064646-199x300

The Taken

Vicki Pettersson


Lehekülgede arv:

Sisu: Griffin Shaw used to be a PI, but that was back when gumshoes hoofed the streets . . . and he was still alive. Fifty years later, he's an angel, but that doesn't make him a saint. One small mistake has altered fate, and now he's been dumped back onto the mortal mudflat to collect another soul—Katherine "Kit" Craig, a journalist whose latest investigation is about to get her clipped.

Bucking heavenly orders, Grif refuses to let the sable-haired siren come to harm. Besides, protecting her offers a chance to solve the mystery of his own unsolved murder—and dole out some overdue payback for the death of his beloved wife, Evie.

Joining forces, Kit and Grif's search for answers leads beyond the blinding lights of the Strip into the dark heart of an evil conspiracy. But a ruthless killer determined to destroy them isn't Grif's biggest threat. His growing attraction to Kit could cost them both their lives, along with the answer to the haunting question of his long afterlife . . .


"Your Evelin has been dead for fifty years, Grif. She isn't gonna mind two more hours."
But Grif damned well minded.

"Besides, the world's a better place when it's pretty."

Arvamus: Oh issand. They say don't judge a book by its cover but is there a chance in hell that a book that looks like this could be good?
See raamat oli nii halb (the what the actual fuck halb) nii mitmel tasemel. Kirjutatud oli lihtsalt halvasti - uskumatult lollid kirjeldused ja täiesti mõttetud tegelased (enamjaolt). Kit oli lihtsalt mingi... ugh. Dogoody. Grif oli brooding in an annoying way. Ei mingit progressi. Meile öeldi asju, mitte ei näidatud. Kit vahepeal ikka ütles, et igatseb Nici, aga muidu mitte... Sama ka Kiti ja Grifi armastusega - I just did not see it. See oli tuim ja puine ja ma lihtsalt ei hoolinud sellest (ma ei hoolinud enamusest sellest, mis toimus). Kui me Grifi peas olime, oli seal ainult Evie. Ja järsku ta ikkagi armastab Kiti - kuidas?
Üldse oli selline tunne, et see raamat üritas liiga äge olla. Ei tulnud välja, kallis autor.
Aga noh, nagu Loore mind lohutas: halbu raamatuid tuleb ka lugeda. Very Happy

Hinne: 1/5
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Pehme admin

Female Postituste arv : 5899
Age : 30
Asukoht : Tartu

2014 Empty
PostitaminePealkiri: Re: 2014   2014 Icon_minitime3/6/2014, 21:42


2014 The-enlgish-patient

The English Patient

Autor: Michael Ondaatje

Kuupäev: 09.04.2014

Lehekülgede arv: 302

Sisu: With ravishing beauty and unsettling intelligence, Michael Ondaatje's Booker Prize-winning novel traces the intersection of four damaged lives in an Italian villa at the end of World War II. Hana, the exhausted nurse; the maimed thief, Caravaggio; the wary sapper, Kip: each is haunted by the riddle of the English patient, the nameless, burned man who lies in an upstairs room and whose memories of passion, betrayal, and rescue illuminate this book like flashes of heat lightning

Katkendid: How high is he above the land? How low is he in the sky?

We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden as if in caves.

Arvamus: OMG that was painful.
Mul lihtsalt ei ole sõnu. Möönan, et lugemiskogemus võis olla mõjutatud mu hetkeolekust, aga kogetud kogemus on ta sellegipoolest. Kirjeldused ja Ondaatje'i "proosa" olid kohutavad ja, frankly, igavad. Ma olin palju aega segaduses, et mis kus miks nüüd toimub. (Vbl ka sp, et ma lülitasin end pidevalt välja. Ülelugemine miskipärast ei aidanud.)
Ma ei suutnud loosse sisse elada ega hoolinud tegelastest.
Lihtsalt üks suur meh.

Hinne: 2/5
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